- GUI for test taking
- User Authentication
- Face Verification
- Mouse Location Tracking to detect cheating
- Facial Tracking during exam to detect fraud
- Click on the image to see the output vedio
-Install conda ( https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-the-anaconda-python-distribution-on-ubuntu-20-04 ) -Run the following command to create conda environment via environment.yml
conda env create --file=environment.yml
-activate the environment
conda activate GovTechThon
-run the main.sh file via
bash main.sh
- In Case of error "27667 Illegal instruction (core dumped)" update dlib via:
pip uninstall face_recognition
pip uninstall dlib
pip install CMake
pip insall dlib
pip install face_recognition
- Creditability score using the performance and cheating instances!
- Object Detection to detect objects through which cheating can be done!
- Web version?