Mantis Versions:
Operating Systems (all supported by PowerShell Core):
- Mac OS X
- Windows
- Linux
Download and extract Mantis PowerShell Release
Create API Token as per the following article.
Load Mantis PowerShell module in an open PowerShell terminal:
Import-Module ./mantis.psm1
Create ~/.mantis.companyname.json
with contents like the one below including the appropriate URL and logical
name for the instance.
Example for authenticated instance:
"uri": "",
"token": "YjQlU7OI0D..........sWC1vGaAuq3Q"
Example for anonymous access
"uri": ""
Select the instance for all future commands:
Use-MantisInstance companyname
Note that the selected instance will be persisted on disk, hence, it will persist across PowerShell
restarts. This is done by copying
to .mantis.json
. So if the configuration
is changed, re-run the command Use-MantisInstance
Get-MantisUser -me
Get projects accessible to logged in user:
$issue = New-MantisIssue -summary "summary" -description "desc" -handler "vboctor" -project "mantisbt" -category "ui" -version "2.8.0" -priorty "high"
$issue | Add-MantisIssue
Sample File (sample.csv
"project", "category", "summary", "description"
"mantisbt", "ui", "test csv 1", "test csv 1"
"mantisbt", "ui", "test csv 2", "test csv 2"
Importing the file
Import-Csv -Path ./sample.csv | New-MantisIssue | Add-MantisIssue
$issue = New-MantisIssue -summary "summary" -description "desc" -project "mantisbt" -category "ui" -customFields @{ "The City" = "Seattle", "Root Cause" = "Code Bug" }
$issue | Add-MantisIssue
Get-MantisIssue 1
@(1, 2, 3) | Get-MantisIssue
$issue = Get-MantisIssue 1
Get the first page of issues with default page size:
Get a specific page and page size:
Get-MantisIssue -page 5 -pageSize 50
Assign issue 1
to vboctor
New-MantisIssue -id 1 -handler "vboctor" -status "assigned" | Edit-MantisIssue
Assign a set of issues to vboctor
@(1, 5, 10) | New-MantisIssue -handler "vboctor" -status "assigned" | Edit-MantisIssue
Assign a batch of issues to vboctor
Get-MantisIssue -page 1 -pageSize 5 | New-MantisIssue -handler "vboctor" -status "assigned" | Edit-MantisIssue
Delete an issue via its id
Remove-MantisIssue 1
Delete an issue via ids on pipeline
@(1, 2, 3) | Remove-MantisIssue
Delete an issue via issue on pipeline
Get-MantisIssue 1 | Remove-MantisIssue
Get-MantisIssue 1 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File issue000001.json
Retrieve a single config option:
Get-MantisConfig webmaster_email
Retrieve multiple config options in one call to Mantis:
@("status_enum_string", "priority_enum_string") | Get-MantisConfig
Retrieve multiple config options and dumping them to an config.json
@("status_enum_string", "priority_enum_string") | Get-MantisConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File config.json
Get a single string
Get-MantisString login_anonymously
Get multiple strings in one call to Mantis
@("login_anonymously", "anonymous") | Get-MantisString
Get multiple strings and dump them to a json file
@("login_anonymously", "anonymous") | Get-MantisString | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File lang.json