Icon size should be around 50x50 pixels
- download/install Packr (v2)
- replace the icons in
directory (keep the names)
# packr2
# cd <project>
# go build -a -o <target directory>/faces[.exe]
Write a "GUI binary" instead of a "console binary"
# cd <project>
# go build -a -ldflags "-H windowsgui" -o <target directory>/faces.exe
To build you App on your Desktop enter:
# scripts/macos.app.sh ${HOME}/Desktop
The app icon may not be displayed properly. Be patient or restart. You can also try this.
Here you will find an example configuration
The config file
should be in your${HOME}
directory. Otherwise you have to enter it as an argument.
cameraId: 0
subscriptionKey: [check here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/face/]
uriBase: [check here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/face/]
uriParams: ?returnFaceAttributes=age,gender,headPose,smile,facialHair,glasses,emotion,hair,makeup,occlusion,accessories,blur,exposure,noise
# dist/faces[.exe] [faces.yaml]