'' script extracts a simple table from a MCNP output file. It uses tkinter, regex, matplotlib, subprocess, openpyxl and os libraries. The script can be converted into a standalone executable (see section INSTALATION) or the script can simply be run in terminal.
Tally table is courently very limited. It only works for cell tallies with only one output number (not tables). It searches for the keyword "1tally " skips lines until it gets to the line begining with " cell ". It then takes the number from the following line. Flagging cells should be specified with '*' prefix. Example: *1904 All tallies have to be in order. Neutron tallies have to be before gamma tallies. Example: 1904 1914 4014 *4024 2104 2114, where 2104 and 2114 are gamma tallies.
User should first select the MCNP output file.
The user defines which tallies should be extracted. By default, the entries are read from 'default_tallies' file. The 'default_tallies' file can be modified by user - it can also be empty - it doesn't even have to exist. Every tally number in 'default_tallies' file should be in its own line. Read more in MODIFICATION section.
The tallies are shown in a simple table with columns:
[tally number] [tally count] [tally error]
The table can be exported as a text file (Write to .txt file). The name is automatically generated: [name].o ----> [name]-tally_table.txt The tally table can also be saved under a custom name (Save as ...). Multiple files can be opened by opening an additional tab. Data from one or more files can be ploted.
- open anaconda powershell promt
- (If not installed) Install tkinter
- (If not installed) Install pyinstaller
- (If not installed) Install matplotlib
- Go to script directory.
- Run: pyinstaller --onefile
- The standalone executable (tally_table.exe) is located in the dist folder.
- tally_table.exe should work on your machine.
- (If prefered) Create 'default_tallies' file where tally_table.exe is located.
If the default_tallies_separator in the '' script is changed from '\n' to ' ', then the tally numbers can be in a single line separated by a space (' '). The choice of separator is up to the user.