A simple and inefficient low-polygon image generator
Original | Lowpoly |
usage: lowpoly [-h] [-dx density] [-dy density] [-a aascale] [-w wiggle] [-cd colordev] [-s scale]
input_img output_img
Lowpolyfy an image.
positional arguments:
input_img input image (at least 2x2)
output_img output image name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dx density, --densityx density
number of grid points along X axis
-dy density, --densityy density
number of grid points along Y axis
-a aascale, --antialias aascale
antialias scale factor
-w wiggle, --wiggle wiggle
random grid wiggle magnitude (pixel)
-cd colordev, --colordev colordev
random color brightness deviation (percentage)
-s scale, --scale scale
output image scale factor