- java 11
- app created from template of spring initializr https://start.spring.io/ with improvements
- run by gradle task test
- created by gradle task test
- created by gradle task jacocoTestReport within plugin jacoco on the basis of results of junit tests with providing of code coverage metrics
- jacoco reports are deployed to coveralls.io
- coveralls provides test coverage history and statistics of a project
- current coverage
- modules1 with its own build.gradle
- plugin application with property mainClass to run main method within module1 context by
./gradlew :subprojectName:run
- junit test plugin for root build.gradle
- coveralls plugin as above
- jacoco plugin as above
- customized task getSubprojectVersion in root context with subprojectName properties as gradlew command parameter
./gradlew getSuprojectVersion -PsubprojectName=name
- customized task getProjectVersion within subproject context by
./gradlew :module1:getProjectVersion
- pipeline is triggered by push events or pull requests to main branch
- on default clone main branch
- run gradle tests on the project
- run the application on spring dev profile (application-dev.properties) and close it gracefully
- send always notification to slack channel with default template
- strongly recommended to encrypt secrets e.g. via travis cli tool that appends changed properties to .travis.yml
- docker build image based on dockerfile in
- image tag myapp:snapshot
- docker run with publishing port 8080 to the container's host // todo
- push docker image to aws ecr
- s3 bucket including archived artifacts i.e. application jar
- dedicated aws user with essential permissions (aws IAM service) to s3 resource to handle travis ci deployment process
- s3 deploy section in
- based on spring prod profile (application-prod.properties)