v1.0.0 is a total rewrite of the library in Kotlin. This is pretty much a brand new library, so I'd recommend checking out the documentation.
Big stuff:
- No more messing around with managers. The new building block of the API is a Reference.
- The API is much more fluent. For example here's what you do to subscribe to a subreddit:
- Access tokens are now automatically refreshed unless you tell your RedditClient not to
- No more Thing/RedditObject class. All model classes extend Object.
- A lot easier to authenticate and get started. For example, here's how to authenticate a script app:
RedditClient reddit = OAuthHelper.automatic(networkAdapter, credentials);
- No more dozens of Paginator sublcasses, now there's only 3.
- Paginator sorting has been reworked (thanks to @eduard-netsajev)
- Rate limiting is handled more consistently. A RateLimitException is thrown when appropriate.
- Paginator settings are immutable once built
- Get instant updates for live threads via web sockets (see here)
- Guava is no longer a dependency, switched from Jackson to Moshi
- Rate limiting is done in-house
- Comment tree traversal is done in-house
- Cut down on ~10k methods for Android builds
- JRAW is tightly bound to OkHttp for simplicity