Link to hosted database:
This project creates and seeds a database of articles and user data that can be accessed programmatically by a front-end news forum style service. Using a Javascript API, clients can access several endpoints to request, post, update and delete data.
- Download project from
- Clone in terminal with following command: ‘git clone’
- Open in code editor
- Install dependencies
- Install npm package manager for Javascript
- Download and install PostgreSQL for database management
- Install express web application framework
- Install jest and supertest for unit and integration testing, respectively
- Create development and test database with command: ‘npm run set-dbs’
- Add data to the development database with command: ‘npm run seed’
- To start the API’s server locally, enter command: ‘npm start’
- Run test suite with command: ‘npm test app’
- Script requires two databases - test and development - in order to be run.
- These should be set as environment variables in separate .env files and referenced dynamically in the config path for the dotenv package within db/connection.js
- Visual Studio Code or alternative source-code editor
- JavaScript
- PostgreSQL version 8.7.3 or higher
- Node.js version v20.0.0 or higher
- npm
- Express
GET /api
- serves up a json representation of all the available endpoints of the api
GET /api/topics
- serves an array of all topics
POST /api/topics
- adds a new topics with slug and description properties
GET /api/articles
- serves an array of all topics, accepting queries for author, topic, sort_by and order
POST /api/articles
- adds an article linked to a specified user and topic
GET /api/articles/:article_id
- serves an object containing all data from a specified article
GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments
- serves an array of comments matching specified article ID
PATCH /api/articles/article_id
- updates specified article and named properties with new values
DELETE /api/articles/:article_id
- removes article and respective comments according to specified article ID
POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments
- adds a comment linked to a specified article ID and username
GET /api/comments/:comment_id
- serves an object containing all data from a specified comment
PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id
- updates specified comment and named properties with new values
DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id
- removes comment according to specified ID, no data returned
GET /api/users
- serves an array of all users
GET /api/users/:username
- serves an object containing all data for specified user
GET /api/users/:username/comments
- serves an array of all comments posted by a specified user
- slug (primary key)
- description
- name
- username (primary key)
- avatar_url
- name
- article_id (primary key)
- title
- topic (foreign key)
- author (foreign key)
- body
- created_at
- votes
- article_img_url
- comment_id (primary key)
- body
- article_id (foreign key)
- author (foreign key)
- votes
- created_at
- Matt Sheehan
- Northcoders