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Read the documentation here
- Strip characters from text (harakat, tashkeel, small, tatweel, shadda)
- Normalize ligatures, hamzas, tehs, and alefs in text
- Separate and join Arabic letters and marks
- Check for shadda, vocalized words or text, Arabic strings, and Arabic ranges
- Reduce tashkeel in text
- Determine if a word is a valid Arabic word
- Convert a number to its Arabic textual representation.
- Extract Arabic number phrases from a given text.
- Detect number words and phrases in a list of words and return a list of tags.
- Convert an Arabic number in textual form to its numeric value.
- Retrieve character order and name.
- Arabic range generation.
- Get characters at specific positions in a word.
- Check if two words are vocalized similarly.
- Check if a word matches a specific pattern (wazn).
- Check if two words have similar shaddas.
- and many more functions, ready to use.
First, install the module:
npm i arajs
npm install arajs
Secondlly, import the module:
const {number2text, stripTashkeel} = require("arajs");
Now, you can use the various functions provided by the module to process and analyze Arabic text.
const number = 232;
console.log(number2text(number)); // مئتان و إثنان و ثلاثون
const text = 'مَرْحَبًا بِكُمْ';
const strippedText = stripTashkeel(text);
console.log(strippedText); // مرحبا بكم
Documentation for the package.
Names generating and extraction from text.
Names romanizition and translation.
Arabic verb conjugator.
Text Taskheel.