Saves data from Twitter to a SQLite database using dogsheep/twitter-to-sqlite.
Twitter credentials are required, which may be obtained at
- Run 'make auth' or supply a twitter-credentials.json file
- Run 'make search' or 'make user-timeline' to grab the tweets and put them into a SQLite database
- Uses default Python 3 configuration from Microsoft
- Installs Netspective default setup for zsh + Antigen + Oh My ZSH!
- Installs Powerlevel9k ZSH theme through Antigen
- Installs SQLite 3.x from Debian
- Installs Latest JDK from Debian
- Installs SchemaSpy database documentation tool from GitHub
- Installs Xerial SQLite JDBC Driver from BitBucket
- Install Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline.ttf font for improved terminal typeface. This font is already set in devcontainer.json settings.
- The default shell is /bin/zsh
- Integrate SQLite Web database management utility to allow editing and viewing of databases.