A way to create and work with shells. You can execute any command you want, there is full parity with the underlying shell.
composer require merlinthemagic/mtm-shells
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash(false);
Obviously letting PHP anywhere near root is a poor idea, but the option is there.
Add last line of the below snippit to the file: /etc/sudoers
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
## Add the line below, replace apache with whatever name your run your webserver with e.g. www-data
apache ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python3
Then get a shell allowing MTM-Shells to use the sudo permissions we gave the webserver user over python3:
//get a root shell via sudo
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash(true);
If you dont like giving sudo permissions to the webserver, you can use SU and provide the password:
//get a root shell with password
$username = "root";
$password = "very_secret";
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash();
\MTM\Shells\Factories::getStencils()->getLinux()->getSu()->byPassword($ctrlObj, $username, $password);
echo $ctrlObj->getCmd("whoami")->get(); //root
$strCmd = "whoami";
$data = $ctrlObj->getCmd($strCmd)->get();
echo $data; //webserver user or if you got a root shell, then root :)
$strCmd1 = "cd /var";
$ctrlObj->getCmd($strCmd1)->get(); //enter the /var directory
$strCmd2 = "ls -sho --color=none";
$data = $ctrlObj->getCmd($strCmd2)->get();
echo $data; //directory and file listing from /var
Note: SFTP will not include the source directory only all child files and directories into the specified destination directory Note: Destination directories that do not exist will be created
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash(); //can also be a ssh shell obj from MTM-SSH
$toolObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getFiles()->getSftpTool();
$srcDir = "/path/to/dir/";
$dstDir = "/";
$ipAddr = "";
$username = "myUserName";
$password = "verySecret";
$toolObj->passwordCopy($ctrlObj, $srcDir, $dstDir, $ipAddr, $username, $password);
Note: SCP will include the source directory and all child files and directories into the specified destination directory Note: The base destination directory must exist and will not be created
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash(); //can also be a ssh shell obj from MTM-SSH
$toolObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getFiles()->getScpTool();
$srcDir = "/path/to/dir/";
$dstDir = "/dst/dir/"; //must exist
$ipAddr = "";
$username = "myUserName";
$password = "verySecret";
$toolObj->passwordCopy($ctrlObj, $srcDir, $dstDir, $ipAddr, $username, $password);
Note: RSync will include the source directory and all child files and directories into the specified destination directory Note: The base destination directory must exist and will not be created
$ctrlObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getShells()->getBash(); //can also be a ssh shell obj from MTM-SSH
$toolObj = \MTM\Shells\Factories::getFiles()->getRsyncTool();
$srcDir = "/path/to/dir/";
$dstDir = "/dst/dir/"; //must exist
$ipAddr = "";
$username = "myUserName";
$password = "verySecret";
$toolObj->passwordCopy($ctrlObj, $srcDir, $dstDir, $ipAddr, $username, $password);