3d643d7 - use git describe as release tag. (wildone)
daaee55 - output git describe. (wildone)
fd26706 - change create release order. (wildone)
3c4cf04 - use different action for get release. (wildone)
11200c0 - add on trigger. (wildone)
b9e6d61 - update token name. (wildone)
7264d7e - add get release step to use for uploading of assets. (wildone)
4c727b3 - fix matrix name. (wildone)
231b0a9 - add matrix for nginx version. (wildone)
1467998 - update release name format. (wildone)
ee7dda1 - update tag format. (wildone)
136a8c2 - add master to pipeline trigger. (wildone)
76025a7 - release module (wildone)
3c6cf41 - Comment: added moduleVersion (YoungJoo.Kim)
fec0baf - Refactor: changed version (YoungJoo.Kim)
91bdb14 - Comment: added additional information about cacheZones (YoungJoo.Kim)
203bc5b - Bugfix: rollback to 549cc4d (YoungJoo.Kim)
549cc4d - Bugfix: fixed issues/137, issues/98 that maxSize in cacheZones is displayed incorrectly (YoungJoo.Kim)
c16aa0e - Comment: added tested versions (YoungJoo.Kim)
87d7de9 - Bugfix: fixed issues/174 that XSS vulnerability in the html page Feature: added moduleVersion field in format/json (YoungJoo.Kim)
7c3ecb9 - Refactor: changed spacing (YoungJoo.Kim)
143a151 - Merge pull request vozlt#134 from pfischermx/http-healthcheck-module (YoungJoo.Kim)
29b38b2 - Merge pull request vozlt#169 from spacewander/desc_test_pass (YoungJoo.Kim)
77fc83c - Merge pull request vozlt#157 from robn/prom-fixes (YoungJoo.Kim)
bc1f0be - Merge branch 'master' into prom-fixes (YoungJoo.Kim)
9a3e4ca - Merge pull request vozlt#144 from chipitsine/master (YoungJoo.Kim)
fef53dc - Merge pull request vozlt#182 from chzhuo/master (YoungJoo.Kim)
277db37 - Refactor: changed spacing (YoungJoo.Kim)
ead62a0 - Merge pull request vozlt#165 from jongiddy/escape-prometheus (YoungJoo.Kim)
1a6ff88 - Merge pull request vozlt#163 from jongiddy/histogram-init-update (YoungJoo.Kim)
badf08d - Merge pull request vozlt#161 from jongiddy/short-key-length (YoungJoo.Kim)
11540f3 - Merge pull request vozlt#188 from spacewander/fix_heap_overflow (YoungJoo.Kim)
49f4bd6 - Refactor: changed if statement from merged pull/145 (YoungJoo.Kim)
83a889e - Merge pull request vozlt#145 from susuper/master (YoungJoo.Kim)
d717d50 - Merge pull request vozlt#193 from timgates42/bugfix_typo_destroy (YoungJoo.Kim)
381541c - Merge pull request vozlt#171 from patsevanton/patch-1 (YoungJoo.Kim)
5539b86 - docs: fix simple typo, destory -> destroy (Tim Gates)
5c58aaa - fix: limit the r->uri search scope to avoid overflow (spacewander)
c0b35e2 - prometheus filter direction change to code (zhuo.chen)
cfc8d49 - fix vhost_traffic_status_filter_max_node 16 uris (Anton Patsev)
6f8e39f - Test: describe how to test and fix failed test case (spacewander)
9e814d0 - Escape special characters in Prometheus output (Jonathan Giddy)
25cba13 - Set histogram buckets on first request (Jonathan Giddy)
63b917f - Cast key length to correct type (Jonathan Giddy)
2b8ec82 - Prometheus: fix nginx_vts_filter_requests_total labels (Rob N ★)
935d442 - Prometheus: remove request "total" metrics (Rob N ★)
f7d976f - Update ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_node.c (Aleksey Bondarenko)
0aceada - Use HTTP healthcehck, not stream one. Bad copy/paste (Pablo Fischer)
0dea491 - Add support for nginx_upstream_check_module module (Pablo Fischer)
46d8555 - Comment: added a diagram for the order of module directives (YoungJoo.Kim)
1a01a87 - Bugfix: added escape strings for filter names in JSON (YoungJoo.Kim)
c08781c - Bugfix: fixed the sum value of histogram in upstream metrics (YoungJoo.Kim)
ad40022 - Compatibility: fixed ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_display_get_upstream_nelts() to calculate all A records of server. (YoungJoo.Kim)
938c19d - Bugfix: fixed to display all A records of server without zone directive in the upstream block. (YoungJoo.Kim)