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SCRUM Sprint Meeting 2 September 2014

Tim Sutton edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 2 revisions

High level

@ismailsunni and @borysiasty on wizard @akbargumbira on user map and realtime @cchristelis and @mbernasocchi on bug fixes @timlinux on RFC's @iyan31 keeping track of docs to ensure they are tracking new wizard etc as it comes in

Meeting transcript

Marco Bernasocchi
7:49 AM
morning @all
Tim Sutton
7:49 AM
hey @MarcoBernasocchi
Marco Bernasocchi
7:50 AM
is the scrum here?
or voip?
Tim Sutton
7:50 AM
no here I think
lets see who joins us
@KateChapman prefers text chat
and text chat will give @CharlotteMorgan a log to read if she can't make it
Marco Bernasocchi
7:51 AM
Ismail Sunni
7:58 AM
Hi @all
Tim Sutton
7:58 AM
@WernerMacho - are you able to join us this morning too?
7:58 AM
Gavin Fleming left the room.
Tim Sutton
8:00 AM
hi @IsmailSunni
Marco Bernasocchi
8:00 AM
hi sunni :)
Akbar Gumbira
8:02 AM
hi @all
Tim Sutton
8:03 AM
so @CharlotteMorgan doesnt look like she will make it
but I would like to hold the meeting anyway - if she likes we can remeet next week when she is on her feet again
@ChristianChristelis is going to join us shortly
8:07 AM
Christian Christelis joined the room.
Tim Sutton
8:08 AM
Hi @ChristianChristelis
Christian Christelis
8:08 AM
Hello @a\
8:08 AM
Yantisa Akhadi left the room.
Tim Sutton
8:08 AM
did everyone have a chance to look at the scrum sprint meeting page I sent
so that you can understand the intent of this meeting?
Marco Bernasocchi
8:09 AM
the one here in the chat?
8:09 AM
Charlotte Morgan joined the room.
Tim Sutton
8:09 AM
no the one in the inasafe-dev ML
@CharlotteMorgan !
are you still alive?
Charlotte Morgan
8:10 AM
alive but not kicking
Tim Sutton
8:10 AM
Marco Bernasocchi
8:10 AM
hi @CharlotteMorgan
Tim Sutton
8:10 AM
are you still up for this meeting?
Charlotte Morgan
8:10 AM
hi @all
Tim Sutton
8:10 AM
I was going to go ahead without you and send you the logs
Charlotte Morgan
8:10 AM
no - i might just observe
great idea - & thank you
Tim Sutton
8:10 AM
I will put the logs into a wiki page
so no worries if you want to go off
8:10 AM
Yantisa Akhadi joined the room.
Tim Sutton
8:11 AM
@YantisaAkhadi do you know if @KateChapman is going to make it?
Tim Sutton
8:13 AM
so can we start?
if @KateChapman and @Assefa join if they see these notifications that will be cool
so the purpose of this meeting is to plan the next sprint (for month of September)
this meeting is not so tight as the daily scrum so we should not rush and also not mind delving into technical details a little
Yantisa Akhadi
8:15 AM
I haven't heard from her
Tim Sutton
8:15 AM
I first wanted to discuss at a high level our plans
As I see it the following key areas need attention:
* bug fixing for a release of 2.2
* integration of a first version of the wizard for impact function centric analysis
* new user map
* close off of realtime '3.0'
* RFC finalisation for parameters, metadata, plugin registry, QGIS core dependency
(feel free to interject if you have items to add)
We also have the workshop coming up this month so that will take us out of the running somewhat
so my thoughts were:
Ismail and Borys on wizard
@AkbarGumbira on user map and realtime
@ChristianChristelis and @MarcoBernasocchi on bug fixes
@TimSutton on RFC's
@YantisaAkhadi keeping track of docs to ensure they are tracking new wizard etc as it comes in
Tim Sutton
8:22 AM
So as a broad strokes plan how does that sit with everyone?
Tim Sutton taps his mic to check if it is on :-P
Marco Bernasocchi
8:23 AM
ok for me
Ismail Sunni
8:23 AM
ok for me too
Akbar Gumbira
8:23 AM
me too
Tim Sutton
8:23 AM <-- Then we can dive into the specifics
Christian Christelis
8:23 AM
me too
Yantisa Akhadi
8:23 AM
sounds good
Charlotte Morgan
8:24 AM
i'll just move house
Tim Sutton
8:28 AM
@CharlotteMorgan yeah I purposely left you out of the equation since you are sick and homeless
Tim Sutton
8:29 AM
so looking practically we have a little bit of this week, and all of next week
and then we are going to be in workshop mode
there will be a couple of onsite days before the workshop
and the geek part of the workshop
Marco Bernasocchi
8:30 AM
when are you in jk?
Tim Sutton
8:30 AM
but in the geek part I think we should set aside the backlog and focus on prototyping, discussing and planning our major architectural changes
Charlotte Morgan
8:31 AM
Tim Sutton
8:31 AM
We arrive on site 17 Sept
Charlotte Morgan
8:31 AM
I arrive on 15th
Tim Sutton
8:31 AM
@CharlotteMorgan as in at the office?
or as in touch down in the plane?
Marco Bernasocchi
8:32 AM
I havent booked yet, but most likely 22
Tim Sutton
8:32 AM
ok @IsmailSunni and you?
Charlotte Morgan
8:32 AM
yep - in office on 15th. touch down on 12th
Ismail Sunni
8:32 AM
16 sept afternoon
Tim Sutton
8:32 AM
Tim Sutton
8:34 AM
so we wil lhave 3 days on site before the workshop
@MarcoBernasocchi will you arrive 22 or be on site 22 (22 is the first day of the work shop)
Marco Bernasocchi
8:35 AM
i'll land 22 eve. and be at the office 23 morning
Tim Sutton
8:35 AM
ok so you won't hang out with the suits
Marco Bernasocchi
8:36 AM
i'd love to
Tim Sutton
8:36 AM
You could try the new Solomons formal footwear line
ok so on to the backlog
Marco Bernasocchi
8:36 AM
but I've a long standing guiding thing on the 21
Tim Sutton
8:37 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi its no problem I think
Marco Bernasocchi
8:37 AM
unless I manage to change that and come
Tim Sutton
8:37 AM
I especially want you for the planning and geeking parts
Marco Bernasocchi
8:37 AM
Tim Sutton
8:37 AM
the first day is less important
Marco Bernasocchi
8:37 AM
yep that was my tought
when do you leave?
ok sorry back log
Tim Sutton
8:38 AM
ok lets close the logistics part off:
Tim Sutton
8:40 AM
@ChristianChristelis and myself will be leaving the 01 Oct at 00:40
and arriving on 16 September at 22h35
(we might be slightly zombie-ish on our first day in the office)
ok so on to the backlog
@AkbarGumbira coould you first give a run down of the high level things that need to happen for both realtime and the new user map
Marco Bernasocchi
8:41 AM
so to the bug fixing. I've 3 days this week, 1 day next week plus the evening 3-4h
8:41 AM
Werner Macho joined the room.
Marco Bernasocchi
8:42 AM
hi werner
Werner Macho
8:42 AM
mrng @all
Tim Sutton
8:42 AM
hey @WernerMacho welcome
Ismail Sunni
8:42 AM
morning @WernerMacho
Tim Sutton
8:42 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi ok lets come to the bug fixing in a minute
and first get @AkbarGumbira 's input on RT and user map
Akbar Gumbira
8:43 AM
So new realtime has been deployed on AIFDR site (with some docker problems) but no progress yet on BNPB site
is that high level enough?
for user map, I am still porting the user capability (not yet the event). Its 70% finished
I guess I can finish it this week
Tim Sutton
8:44 AM
when you say the user capability - you mean cloning the flask app to django?
Akbar Gumbira
8:44 AM
Tim Sutton
8:44 AM
Akbar Gumbira
8:44 AM
but different workflow
Tim Sutton
8:44 AM
are you keeping any issue list with tasks?
Tim Sutton goes to add usermap to waffle
Akbar Gumbira
8:45 AM
I dont really have issue on user map implementation
but I have some strange issues on Realtime related to docker
Tim Sutton
8:45 AM
Ok lets finish talking about the user map first
Akbar Gumbira
8:46 AM
I guess I have issues on user map implementation, I dont know yet the exact requirement for event. I am quite happy to make it myself
Tim Sutton
8:46 AM
I think you should do that as a 'straw dog' that we can look at and use and then refine
But I would like to get your work plans entered as issues in gh so we can incorporate it into our scrum
Akbar Gumbira
8:47 AM
so next to do for usermap: send mail implementation, reset password, add South, delete some unused javascript code from the old project, and polish some codes
Tim Sutton
8:47 AM
ok cool - can you make issues for each task (it doesnt need a lot of detail, just to have them as work items)
Akbar Gumbira
8:48 AM
and finish the unittest
^ boring job
Tim Sutton
8:48 AM
@AkbarGumbira I think it would be good to do a code review session
@AkbarGumbira are you using factoryboy?
Akbar Gumbira
8:48 AM
Tim Sutton
8:48 AM
actually its quite fun writing tests with factoryboy
8:49 AM
Marco Bernasocchi goes have a look
Tim Sutton
8:49 AM
and *ahem* you are supposed to write your tests first :-P
Akbar Gumbira
8:49 AM
I know that my code will work without the test :p
Tim Sutton
8:49 AM
ok but as long as we get the tests in the end it will be good
@AkbarGumbira also maybe get @WernerMacho to help you set up a jenkins job for it
Akbar Gumbira
8:50 AM
ok thanks
Tim Sutton
8:50 AM
or look at that other one that integrates with gh
Akbar Gumbira
8:50 AM
I think I have access to make jobs in jenkins
I will do myself
Tim Sutton
8:50 AM
forget its name
travis ci I think it is
If we dont need to maintain the infrastructure ourselves, so much the better
Akbar Gumbira
8:51 AM
hmm, we are moving to travis?
Tim Sutton
8:51 AM
not moving to
well its something to discuss
I looked into it once before
there were limits on how long your tests could take to run
(which inasafe would get dismally stuck on :-P)
Akbar Gumbira
8:52 AM
Marco Bernasocchi
8:52 AM
Tim Sutton
8:53 AM
so ok can you make up those high level issues and put them in the ready queue @AkbarGumbira ?
Akbar Gumbira
8:53 AM
aand, do we have someone that can make design?
Tim Sutton
8:53 AM
and he knows django too
8:54 AM
akbargumbira opened pull request #1197 on AIFDR/inasafe: Fix failing realtime unit test.
8:54 AM
akbargumbira labeled pull request #1197 on AIFDR/inasafe: Fix failing realtime unit test.
8:54 AM
akbargumbira closed pull request #1197 on AIFDR/inasafe: Fix failing realtime unit test.
8:54 AM
akbargumbira pushed 3 commits to inasafe:develop
- Fix failing realtime unit tests. / by akbargumbira 830c0995e6
- Use get version instead of hardcoded inasafe version. / by akbargumbira 28ac6aff85
- Merge pull request #1197 from akbargumbira/develop Fix failing realtime unit test. / by akbargumbira ec9c428237
Tim Sutton
8:54 AM
btw @ChristianChristelis , @TimSutton and @george are all django geeks
Ah thanks for the test fix
Akbar Gumbira
8:56 AM
ok thanks. I am just bored looking at bootstrap design :) So, if anyone can help making the design, it would be great
Tim Sutton
8:56 AM
@AkbarGumbira also can you use our (linfiniti/kartoza) project layout
Marco Bernasocchi
8:56 AM
bootstrap is nice :)
Tim Sutton
8:56 AM
for django projects
Akbar Gumbira
8:57 AM
project layout?
Tim Sutton
8:57 AM
the project is always called: django project
the core app is always called: core
Akbar Gumbira
8:57 AM
hmm its an app
Tim Sutton
8:57 AM
settings is always a package
Akbar Gumbira
8:57 AM
you can just plug in to django project
Tim Sutton
8:58 AM
ah crap I forgot you did it like that (and because I asked you to do it that way :-P)
have you made a wrapper project for testing?
and have you figured out how to package it nicely for pypi/
Akbar Gumbira
8:59 AM
and you will need to overide authentication backend of your poriject
wrapper project? should I make a repo for that? I just use it locally
pypi - not yet
Tim Sutton
9:00 AM
I think it would be good for you to make a repo for it yes
Akbar Gumbira
9:00 AM
I just make a softlink from django project root to that app
Tim Sutton
9:00 AM
(and then follow the conventions I described above)
Akbar Gumbira
9:00 AM
hmm, it can be just an empty repo :p
*empty django project
Tim Sutton
9:00 AM
with settings including user_map in installed apps
Akbar Gumbira
9:01 AM
hmm, I made an app setting that can be overide by the setting in django project
Dont you think we should just make how to set it up in the readme?
Tim Sutton
9:02 AM
Yeah but we are going to deploy this right?
Tim Sutton
9:05 AM
@AkbarGumbira so to give the discussion some more direction: Can you make issues for the minimal tasks that are needed for us to deply this (replacing existing in time for the workshop?
Akbar Gumbira
9:05 AM
yes I amm making it now
I am just adding the repo to one board
Tim Sutton
9:06 AM
I been trying to do it for the last 15mins but it wont let me
Akbar Gumbira
9:06 AM
infinite loading circle?
Tim Sutton
9:07 AM
Akbar Gumbira
9:07 AM
For now we can just use this:
Tim Sutton
9:07 AM
ok there
9:08 AM
mach0 created a comment on issue #18 for AIFDR/inasafe-user-map: Re: Make jenkins job
Uh - that reminds me that the jenkins container is still too bloated :(... 
9:09 AM
waffle-iron forked AIFDR/inasafe-user-map to waffle-iron/inasafe-user-map
Tim Sutton
9:09 AM
ah you got it to work?
Akbar Gumbira
9:10 AM
I typed the repo name manually
is it added?
Werner Macho
9:10 AM
uh .. magic things are happening here .. I think I missed a lot the last weeks ..
Marco Bernasocchi
9:10 AM
Tim Sutton
9:10 AM
@WernerMacho its been quiet here without you!
@WernerMacho yes there is lots of magic now :-)
Marco Bernasocchi
9:11 AM
hopefully not too much black magic
Akbar Gumbira
9:11 AM
not added to inasafe board :\
Tim Sutton
9:11 AM
@AkbarGumbira maybe reload?
give it a few minutes
its probably hoovering up the issues
@AkbarGumbira so can we add tickets for deployment
Akbar Gumbira
9:12 AM
Hey @WernerMacho. This video just reminds me of you (so you got 3 right: gado-gado, avocado, and rendang?)
Tim Sutton
9:13 AM
I know you are expecting this...we need to deploy in docker .... :-)
Akbar Gumbira
9:13 AM
yes, I wanted to make the backlogs, but.. do we need it? :p
9:13 AM
timlinux opened issue #19 for AIFDR/inasafe-user-map: We need a docker orchestration project to deploy the user map
9:13 AM
timlinux assigned issue #19 for AIFDR/inasafe-user-map: We need a docker orchestration project to deploy the user map
Tim Sutton
9:13 AM
need which?
Akbar Gumbira
9:14 AM
@WernerMacho: bloated? is it too many jobs?
9:15 AM
timlinux opened issue #20 for AIFDR/inasafe-user-map: We need a django project for deployment of the user map app
Can be very simple, bare bones  Get @Erve1879 to make a nice theme etc and landing page... 
Tim Sutton
9:15 AM
@WernerMacho I'm going to take another look at travis later today and see if it will be feasible for us to switch to it
but otherwise yes we should restructure the jenkins containers
@AkbarGumbira can we just assign @george directly to the project / landing page then you can just focus on the map and he can make a pretty theme etc
Akbar Gumbira
9:17 AM
thaat would be great!
Tim Sutton
9:17 AM
ok will do
Akbar Gumbira
9:17 AM
I spent 1 day to make it look like now :p
Tim Sutton
9:17 AM
just adding him to the team
can you post a screenie?
Akbar Gumbira
9:17 AM
and got frustrated :p
Marco Bernasocchi
9:17 AM
Akbar Gumbira
9:17 AM
ok taking screenie now
9:17 AM
TODO team_add.hbs
9:19 AM
timlinux assigned issue #20 for AIFDR/inasafe-user-map: We need a django project for deployment of the user map app
Can be very simple, bare bones  Get @Erve1879 to make a nice theme etc and landing page... 
Akbar Gumbira
9:19 AM
 home - not login.png 664.5 KB

HOme - not login
 home login.png 664.2 KB

home login
 login page.png 66.3 KB

login page
 sign up page.png 117.1 KB

sign up page
 edit profile.png 669.9 KB

edit profile link
Marco Bernasocchi
9:20 AM
looks ok to me
Akbar Gumbira
9:20 AM
 basic info update.png 112.9 KB

Basic Information update profile
 change password update.png 72.4 KB

Change password
Tim Sutton
9:22 AM
ya looking very nice @AkbarGumbira
Marco Bernasocchi
9:22 AM
sorry yes, ok didnt sound nice
I like it
Werner Macho
9:22 AM
@AkbarGumbira gado gado is nice .. and .. the jenkins container is far to big .. and I am afraid jenkins should not be used like we use it currently ..(well I mean as a container)
Marco Bernasocchi
9:22 AM
9:23 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
Tim Sutton
9:24 AM
@AkbarGumbira and @all oh one thing I did not dicuss was job sizing
Marco Bernasocchi
9:24 AM
Tim Sutton
9:24 AM
Marco Bernasocchi
9:25 AM
size of?
Tim Sutton
9:25 AM
for SCRUM we should assign each issue a size
in other projects we used shirt sizes
S, M , L, XL, XXL etc
Emir Hartato
9:25 AM
@AkbarGumbira @WernerMacho hi all. thanks for reminding me about gado-gado, rendang, and avocado juice :( I miss them
Tim Sutton
9:26 AM
but I asked on waffle, they dont have size support yet, but it is coming and they say to use numeric labels
Here is what they say:
As a first increment on burndown we'll just use issue/pr counts. As a follow on, if we see issues with numbers as labels, we'll use that value as the estimate. No prefix, just the number, based on what we've seen some projects on GitHub already do. I created this issue to track it:
Akbar Gumbira
9:27 AM
hmm, I think right now it doesnt have a theme :p but just default bootstrap theme :D
Tim Sutton
9:27 AM
so first I should ask are you all familiar with the concept of burndown charts in scrum
the idea is to be able to predict how long the backlog / sprint etc will take
and to do it we need to size our jobs
Here is the scheme we used before:
XS (1) 0-15min
S (2) 15-30min
M (3) 30min-2hours
L (4) 2 hours - 4 hours
Werner Macho
9:29 AM
@EmirHartato you won't believe it - I miss the avocado juice too ..
Emir Hartato
9:29 AM
@WernerMacho I had enough Nsima here :(
Akbar Gumbira
9:30 AM
 admin.png 94.1 KB

And this is the admin page. It will need to overide authentication backend of the django project
9:30 AM
George Irwin joined the room.
Akbar Gumbira
9:30 AM
@EmirHartato: sorrry, didn't know you're around :p
Emir Hartato
9:30 AM
@WernerMacho and chicken and chips
Tim Sutton
9:30 AM
XL (5) 1day+
hi @EmirHartato
Emir Hartato
9:30 AM
@AkbarGumbira stop teasing me with indomie picture :p
hi @TimSutton
Tim Sutton
9:31 AM
The numbers I put in brackets are what we would use for our labels
George Irwin
9:31 AM
@TimSutton - sorry for the long silence - have just been moving house... Again!
Tim Sutton
9:31 AM
(since waffle does not support shirt sizes)
Marco Bernasocchi
9:31 AM
@AkbarGumbira that is ok, it looks very familiar.
Tim Sutton
9:31 AM
@george Biddolfs must love you
@george great to have you here thanks
@george basically I have been copting you to help @AkbarGumbira add some eye-candy to the user map
George Irwin
9:32 AM
OK - what's the timeframe?
Marco Bernasocchi
9:32 AM
@AkbarGumbira but not too much
Akbar Gumbira
9:33 AM
@EmirHartato: dont they have indomie there?
Tim Sutton
9:33 AM
@george we want to have the site ready for 22 sept
Akbar Gumbira
9:33 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi: yes, I think I will leave it to someone who knows design :D
Tim Sutton
9:33 AM
there is a workshop in Jakarta
Emir Hartato
9:33 AM
@AkbarGumbira that's why I told you to stop because it useless.... I've some indomie here :p
Tim Sutton
9:34 AM
@george it is just a question of skinning it to make it match with the rest of the InaSAFE web sites
Marco Bernasocchi
9:34 AM
@AkbarGumbira I didnt mena so. I ment in general
I'm fan of very simple design
George Irwin
9:35 AM
@TimSutton - ok, when can I start?
Akbar Gumbira
9:35 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi: yes mee too!
Tim Sutton
9:35 AM
@george probably easier if you deal directly with @AkbarGumbira
I will make a new repo
1 sec
Emir Hartato
9:35 AM
@TimSutton I don't know yet if I come or not to the workshop, supposedly I'm coming back in 23rd Sept but there is possibility for extension
George Irwin
9:35 AM
Tim Sutton
9:36 AM
@EmirHartato ok
Akbar Gumbira
9:37 AM
@TimSutton @george and we are about to add event feature. So, perhaps we also need to think how the design for that?
Ismail Sunni
9:38 AM
+1 for simple design
Tim Sutton
9:39 AM
Django project for InaSAFE
there is a blank repo for you and @AkbarGumbira to work on
@george note that the user map is a separate app
A django application for our user's map
Charlotte Morgan
9:40 AM
one day we hope to have more than one user :)
Tim Sutton
9:41 AM
Werner Macho
9:41 AM
@george could you please take a look at - the hipchat implementation there is .. broken?
Tim Sutton
9:41 AM
ok lets move on. So @AkbarGumbira will you size the tickets in the queue there
I will add the sizes to the inasafe scrum wiki page
@AkbarGumbira can you let us know what docker issues you have?
9:42 AM
Gavin Fleming joined the room.
George Irwin
9:43 AM
@WernerMacho - the hip chat plugin's JS seems to be missing from the template
Akbar Gumbira
9:43 AM
@TimSutton: size the ticket by labelling?
with S, L, M, and etc?
Tim Sutton
9:44 AM
no with 1,2,3,4,5
Akbar Gumbira
9:44 AM
the docker issues we have on realtime:
Marco Bernasocchi
9:44 AM
hahaha I just tought we were hacked
George Irwin
9:44 AM
@AkbarGumbira - can we nail down the requirements for the user map at some point? Either on hip chat or email (or even better, as issues in the repo if you have time).
Tim Sutton
9:44 AM
I already added labels for inasafe and inasafe-user-map and inasafe-docs
Marco Bernasocchi
9:45 AM
but is not :)
Tim Sutton
9:48 AM
@george note that the user map is already underway from @AkbarGumbira
from you we just need a top level django project with base templates etc
that will match in with the rest of the site
@george but if you can discuss the details ater this meeting with @AkbarGumbira that will be great
Akbar Gumbira
9:49 AM
1. Not sure why the btsync container still got 28.8 MB left unsync. Even though it's all synced
2. Today, I just knew that landed to 504 error page. I checked the nginx conf, its fine. Then I changed it to redirect to instead of localhost:8080 and that works <- That was a bad thing as we change the domain/even using IP public, we need to change the config as the domain/IP public changes. Then I check docker ps it's got this error: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: resource temporarily unavailable. After playi
Show full text
George Irwin
9:49 AM
Akbar Gumbira
9:50 AM
but its still having other problems (cant delete apache container), I tried to stop and delete it, it says there's not container with that id. Turned out it needs to be restarted (the docker daemon)
Charlotte Morgan
9:50 AM
can i move realtime ticket to ready?
Akbar Gumbira
9:50 AM
so I guess, the docker seems not stable
Tim Sutton
9:51 AM
@AkbarGumbira have you installed latest docker on that host/
you should be running 1.2
Akbar Gumbira
9:52 AM
still using 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
9:52 AM
# Setup latest
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A
echo "deb docker main " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
apt-get update
apt-get install lxc-docker
Akbar Gumbira
9:53 AM
ok will update it
Tim Sutton
9:53 AM
note that docker repo does not play nice with apt-cacher-ng (no ssl package support) so you should disable apt-cacher-ng on the nost while you are installing
Akbar Gumbira
9:53 AM
for the 1st problem. Is it showing 28.8 MB unsync on your client?
Tim Sutton
9:53 AM
also newer docker dont automatically resume containers on restart
so you should add a job to rc.local to do it
(my docker helpers repo has a bash script that will do it for you)
let me check re 38.8mb
9:54 AM
Emir Hartato left the room.
Akbar Gumbira
9:54 AM
I dont like your docker helpers :p
It's like a shortcut of doing things
9:55 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
9:55 AM
timlinux edited SCRUM In InaSAFE in AIFDR/inasafe
Tim Sutton
9:55 AM
programmers are meant to be lazy
anyway you can just see how I did it and rewrite the same logic yourself if you like
Akbar Gumbira
9:56 AM
yeah, but not good for me as I will skip most of the basic things
Tim Sutton
9:56 AM
Akbar Gumbira
9:56 AM
as I am still learning
Tim Sutton
9:56 AM
no problem
but anyway the logic in above link is what you need in /etc/rc.local
and you should do a reboot to ensure it works as expected
(first upgrade to 1.2)
 Selection_003.png 4.5 KB

So yes 28.8 mb confirmed
its not a show stopper though?
Akbar Gumbira
9:58 AM
no, but it just tickles me every time I open my btsync
Tim Sutton
9:58 AM
maybe we can task @macho to look into it
can you write a toicket for him
ok Ill write it
Akbar Gumbira
9:59 AM
ok thanks
and what about the deployment in BNPB site?
Tim Sutton
10:00 AM
I think we need to get @CharlotteMorgan onto it
as it is now purely political
Akbar Gumbira
10:01 AM
hmm, an earthquake today:
Tim Sutton
10:01 AM
if everything is running on our site in a production ready way then lets close off realtime work until the poligical will is there
and then in the workshop we can start thinking about hte realtime django app
Charlotte Morgan
10:01 AM
i think there are a few things to fix
10:01 AM
Charlotte-Morgan created a comment on issue #1198 for AIFDR/inasafe: Re: Generate Population data for RealTime
#problem current data has no metadata.... 
Akbar Gumbira
10:02 AM
ah yes, thanks @CharlotteMorgan for raising that
Werner Macho
10:04 AM
regarding the btsync container - we should probably restart/rebuild it with the latest btsync (which should be automatically taken than)
10:04 AM
Emir Hartato left the room.
Charlotte Morgan
10:05 AM
@akbar what about #1173
Tim Sutton
10:05 AM
@AkbarGumbira We should also add white buffer lines to the map (along hte mmi lines0
to make the lines clearer
10:06 AM
timlinux edited SCRUM In InaSAFE in AIFDR/inasafe
Charlotte Morgan
10:06 AM
@AkbarGumbira did i see a realtime map with really wonky contours?
Tim Sutton
10:07 AM
for 1173 I think we should just pop the first unprocessed map off the top of the queue each minute
10:08 AM
mbernasocchi created a comment on issue #1195 for AIFDR/inasafe: Re: RFC: Fully embrace QGIS as a foundation library
Totall agree +1... 
Tim Sutton
10:08 AM
the alternative is to implement a file system watcher
Akbar Gumbira
10:08 AM
@CharlotteMorgan: about #1173, can we leave it to the next version? It would be easier as we utilise database
Charlotte Morgan
10:08 AM
Tim Sutton
10:08 AM
@AkbarGumbira +1 I was about to say the same thing
Marco Bernasocchi
10:09 AM
could any one try to send an email to the inasafe-dev ml? I seem not to get them
@TimSutton ^
Tim Sutton
10:10 AM
@CharlotteMorgan can you set you GH profile pic some time btw? It makes it easier to identify who owns tasks on the scrum board
@MarcoBernasocchi one sec
Marco Bernasocchi
10:10 AM
Charlotte Morgan
10:10 AM
i'm the chequer board!
Akbar Gumbira
10:10 AM
@TimSutton: white line?
@CharlotteMorgan: define wonky. I dont have the same perspective view with GIS people :p
Tim Sutton
10:11 AM
akbar like this (gimme a sec)
Charlotte Morgan
10:12 AM
contour line drawn by ant after a party
Charlotte Morgan
10:15 AM
wonky: crooked - too much detail
Akbar Gumbira
10:18 AM
hmm, I cant really understand what's crooked with the realtime map
Tim Sutton
10:18 AM
@CharlotteMorgan we tried out smoothing before
 Selection_004.png 954.0 KB

White buffers
and Hadi also expressed an interest in having smoothed lines
Charlotte Morgan
10:18 AM
the contours - so the line of equal shaking - ideally is a smooth line
Tim Sutton
10:19 AM
but at the time the smoothing algs didnt produce a very nice looking output
(worse than the drunk ants)
Charlotte Morgan
10:19 AM
the example @AkbarGumbira shared the day it worked (when he went home early) was not smooth
Tim Sutton
10:19 AM
We can resurface the idea and see what we can do
(QGIS now has a bunch of new feature generalisation stuff in it)
Akbar Gumbira
10:20 AM
hoo ok, I am watching GIS people talking :)
Tim Sutton
10:20 AM
but what you actually want is some kind of spline smoothing
which I dont think we have yet
Charlotte Morgan
10:20 AM
the reason i asked was because i was worried that what i saw could be what raster to vector might look like and it was not good
Tim Sutton
10:21 AM
its exactly what it would look like (out of the box)
i.e. the line would follow pixel boundaries
Charlotte Morgan
10:22 AM
the sample pic above is fine
Tim Sutton
10:22 AM
but I think we could get @IsmailSunni or @ChristianChristelis to write a spline smoothing alg
Charlotte Morgan
10:22 AM
for realtime
Ismail Sunni
10:23 AM
qgis doesn't have that?
10:23 AM
Charlotte-Morgan labeled issue #1200 for AIFDR/inasafe: InaSAFE Realtime deployed on BNPB server
Raise realtime deployment on BNPB server through AIFDR monthly meeting... 
Marco Bernasocchi
10:24 AM
i dont think qgis has spline smoothing
Tim Sutton
10:24 AM
 Selection_005.png 601.8 KB

@CharlotteMorgan above pic zoomed out
@IsmailSunni no (not since last I checked)
@IsmailSunni and gis geometry primitivies have no concept of curves
Marco Bernasocchi
10:25 AM
well depending on the country ;)
Tim Sutton
10:25 AM
to the spline needs to be calculated and then degrated to a series of straight edges
Christian Christelis
10:25 AM
sure, I could look at smoothing
Charlotte Morgan
10:25 AM
hmm - not ideal
Tim Sutton
10:25 AM
@CharlotteMorgan which the pic above?
Charlotte Morgan
10:25 AM
Tim Sutton
10:25 AM
Charlotte Morgan
10:26 AM
ok - so just saying i dont thing realtime is ready despite BNPB not being ready
Tim Sutton
10:26 AM
so Jono and Hadi wanted all teh small 'shake islands' eliminated too
Charlotte Morgan
10:26 AM
*dont think
Tim Sutton
10:26 AM
so can we map out what it need to be considered ready?
Smoothing is a priority?
Charlotte Morgan
10:27 AM
i have not seem many products for big shakes
i'd like to see what it does at the edge of a page
Tim Sutton
10:28 AM
hmm we need out django app so we can filter shakes by size
10:28 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
Charlotte Morgan
10:28 AM
it needs a 'closed'contour and a calc for the affected / shaken people
not just those on the page
Tim Sutton
10:29 AM
how does that differ to what we have?
Charlotte Morgan
10:29 AM
i have not seen any product except one
Tim Sutton
10:29 AM
Charlotte Morgan
10:29 AM
and that was the wonky one
Tim Sutton
10:29 AM
lots of examples there
Tim Sutton puts on his wonky radar to find the most wonky one he can

Ismail Sunni
10:31 AM
Tim Sutton
10:31 AM
so that is a sober ant
Marco Bernasocchi
10:31 AM
@TimSutton is there a reason why the page doesnt show the thumbnails
(would be nicer than having to click to see the thumbnail)
Tim Sutton
10:32 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi yes because @AkbarGumbira hasnt made it do that
@CharlotteMorgan btw for all quakes at sea you will typically have regular concentric circles
Marco Bernasocchi
10:32 AM
ok, it there a reason why @AkbarGumbira made it do that? :D
Charlotte Morgan
10:32 AM
may all quakes be at sea
Marco Bernasocchi
10:33 AM
(hans't made)
Tim Sutton
10:33 AM
because for the quake model there is no ground resistance for quake wave propogation at sea
Akbar Gumbira
10:33 AM
so wonky means that a pixel color is highly different with its neighbors?
Charlotte Morgan
10:33 AM
thanks - i still need to look at pager pages ... October :)
happy to leave ants be for now
Tim Sutton
10:34 AM

@AkbarGumbira so if you look at this one
(zoom in)
on the land parts
Akbar Gumbira
10:34 AM
Tim Sutton
10:34 AM
as I understand it, they dont want to see all those little dots
the want the shake lines very generalised
I tried adding some logic to polygonise and remove all dots < a threshold
Marco Bernasocchi
10:35 AM
wow, wht are the 3 vertical bars in the last image?
Tim Sutton
10:35 AM
Akbar Gumbira
10:35 AM
ooh its the shake lines!
Marco Bernasocchi
10:35 AM
the shake lines?
Tim Sutton
10:35 AM
but it didnt produce good results
Charlotte Morgan
10:35 AM
Tim Sutton
10:35 AM
@MarcoBernasocchi those are the roman numerals for 3
(old school I know)
Marco Bernasocchi
10:36 AM
mmi II I get it, but i'd change the the color
looks like an artifact
Tim Sutton
10:37 AM
the colour matches the mmi chart at the top of the page
(as per client requirements :-) )
Marco Bernasocchi
10:37 AM
well if it's client requirement :)
10:37 AM
Emir Hartato left the room.
Tim Sutton
10:37 AM
ok so
@CharlotteMorgan I think we can look at these things
Charlotte Morgan
10:38 AM
10:38 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
Tim Sutton
10:38 AM
but we just need to have clear idea of what we want it to do
I dont think it is useful enough to tell @AkbarGumbira 'make the lines smooth'
we need to give him specific rules
Akbar Gumbira
10:39 AM
yeah I understand now :p
Tim Sutton
10:39 AM
and also work within the capabilities of the toolset
so I think we should first compile some test cases
Charlotte Morgan
10:40 AM
if Jono & Hadi are involvedwith smooth line requirements, then i am happy. when i showed Jono - his comment was "i thought we fixed that"
Tim Sutton
10:40 AM
yes we did discuss it
Charlotte Morgan
10:40 AM
Tim Sutton
10:41 AM
and I spent some time trying to get it lookng nice and smooth
10:41 AM
Werner Macho left the room.
Charlotte Morgan
10:41 AM
ok - lets leave it.
Akbar Gumbira
10:41 AM
so I guess we need to fix the part where the .tiff is converted to the mmi lines
Tim Sutton
10:42 AM
@CharlotteMorgan they were using some matlab smoothing function as their reference
which I could not replicate
@CharlotteMorgan sorry I am not suggesting we drop it (unless you want to) - just giving the back story
I'd be happy to take a new look at it
but we just need to have a good set of 'rules' so it is clear what we want to achieve
Charlotte Morgan
10:43 AM
we need to keep it in perspective - high resolution shakes and 5km population
Tim Sutton
10:43 AM
(or for @AkbarGumbira to take a new look at it I should say)
Charlotte Morgan
10:43 AM
i think the population is the higher priority and more achievable
Tim Sutton
10:43 AM
Charlotte Morgan
10:43 AM
i've written tickets for me
Tim Sutton
10:43 AM
lets put a backlog item and leave it out of the sprint for now
Charlotte Morgan
10:44 AM
smooth lines would be nice but .. not now
yeah - agreed
Tim Sutton
10:44 AM
oops sorry for shouting :-)
Charlotte Morgan
10:44 AM
@TimSutton i'm the everlasting daisy :)
10:45 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
Marco Bernasocchi
10:45 AM
Tim Sutton
10:47 AM
ok so for realtime basically @AkbarGumbira can go into hold mode barring #1181
Charlotte Morgan
10:47 AM
and drop in new population when available
Tim Sutton
10:47 AM
Charlotte Morgan
10:47 AM
10:47 AM
Emir Hartato left the room.
Tim Sutton
10:47 AM
and @WernerMacho will look at #1199
Tim Sutton
10:49 AM
ok good can we move on to next sprint goal?
Getting the Wizard for Impact function in place
Tim Sutton
10:50 AM
This is mainly @IsmailSunni and @BorysJurgiel (who is off on holiday in Ireland at the moment so not present)
Ismail Sunni
10:50 AM
finally, my part :)
Tim Sutton
10:50 AM
We had a lengthy chat with Borys last week
@IsmailSunni yeah finally your part :-)
So basically the current situation is this:
We want to get a first version of the wizard into and end september / october release
The plan is to first reuse the exsiting IF parameter and pproc guis
but embedded into the wizard
(@IsmailSunni and I need more time to get the paramters framework & metadata refactor fully fleshed out)
in the subsequent release we will aim to have all the parameter related pages dynamically generated from the parameters API
So Borys has done a hand over to @IsmailSunni for the next few weeks
as he is out of the picture with other committments
Tim Sutton
10:55 AM
so from @IsmailSunni side we need to get a picture on what the key tasks are to get wizard ready to use
off the top of my head:
* tests
* some kind of user acceptance testing
(Dika or HOT folks to play with it and try to break it)
10:57 AM
Emir Hartato joined the room.
Ismail Sunni
10:57 AM
from me, we need to separate which parameters are belong to layer and to IF
that means, there will be some refactor on impact functions
Tim Sutton
10:58 AM
how do you mean parameters belong to layer?