This is a customizable JS function that generates "glitchy" text effects. It takes in one or multiple HTML Elements and replaces their inner text with random characters (configurable) on an interval.
Add glitchyText.js file to your project, import it and use the function:
import glitchyText from "./glitchyText.js";
You can target the elements via a css query string like above or pass in DOM elements:
import glitchyText from "./glitchyText.js";
const element = document.querySelector("p");
const element2 = document.querySelectorAll(".heading a");
You can customize the effect by passing in an object as the second argument:
import glitchyText from "./glitchyText.js";
glitchyText(".button span", {
duration: 5000, // all time-based options use milliseconds
speed: 100, // how quickly the characters change
delay: 100, // delay the onset of the effect
stagger: 100, // stagger multiple elements
effect: "shuffle", // binary, random, shuffle
direction: "rtl", // rtl, ltr, none
recase: "lower", // random, lower, upper