NOTE - PLEASE READ: According to the Spotify API Developer rules, this app requires specific user account
authorization to use.
Thus, I have created a standard Spotify account for all users of this app. To log into this account, press
"Login to Spotify" on the app's home page, select "Continue with Google" on the Login page, and
enter the following credentials:
Email: [email protected]
Password: compositify123!
Alternatively, please email [email protected] if you wish to obtain access to this app using your personal Spotify account.
- View the following link for more information on this requirement: Spotify For Developers
Live Deployment of Website on Netlify
This is a personal project I worked on called Spotify Composite. It essentially merges multiple playlists from a user's Spotify account into one large, customized playlist.
Upon arriving on the initial log-in page, users will be asked to sign in to their Spotify account and confirm that the app can access certain data from their account.
After confirming, they will be redirected to the app's home page, where they can see a scroll menu containing their playlists and a customization menu containing various fields.
To use the app, the user should first select as little or as many of their playlists as they'd like. Then, they should fill in the fields on the right-hand side to their liking. The only required field is playlist name.
Lastly, the user just needs to press the "COMPOSITIFY" button. The merged playlist will be created and placed in their account, and two buttons will pop up. One will open a new tab directing them to their playlist, the other will reset all fields.
Enjoy your Compositify-ed Playlist !!!
Authorization Code Flow and API Calls:
My app utilizes the PKCE extension of the Spotify Authorization Code Flow.
I chose to use Axios GET/POST requests to make my API calls. Listed below are the specific types of calls made to the Spotify API:
- User Authorization Request (Same link as above)
- Access Token Request (Same link as above)
- Refreshed Access Token Request (Same link as above)
- Get Current User's Profile Request
- Get Current User's Playlists Request
- Get Playlist Request
- Create Playlist Request
- Add Items to Playlist Request
UI/UX Features:
- Customized logo created in Adobe Photoshop
- The design takes characteristics from offical Spotify logo / font - Redirect to Login Page by clicking logo
- Redirect to playlist url by clicking playlist image
- Unselect button
- Unselect All button
- Scrollable Div Box
- "COMPOSITIFY" Form Submission button
- Bring Me To My Playlist button
- Reset All button
Miscellaneous Features:
- Site deployed on Netlify
- General HTML/CSS
- React hooks
- Async/await
- Passing properties from parent to child component
- Using callbacks in child component to effect parent
- Animations
I hope to continue building onto this app in the future, perhaps implementing different “Compositify” options that utilize other really cool information that Spotify provides, such as audio features, genre classifications, and popularity ratings.
Method 1: YouTube Video
Method 2: Live Deployment of Website on Netlify
Method 3: Run site locally using the following steps:
First, download the .zip file for the master branch above.
Then, make sure you have node and npm installed using:
If not installed, download the appropriate package on this site
Now, navigate into the project directory and run:
Followed by:
This will run the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.