description |
Moje první stránka |
- Removed humans, they weren't doing fine with animals.
- Animals are now super cute, all of them.
- Introduced animals into the world, we believe they're going to be a neat addition.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="First Tab" %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Second Tab" %}
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
liteAccordion is a horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery.
Please post any support or feature requests here.
Please do not post support requests on the issue tracker!
Follow me on Twitter @nicolahibbert for liteAccordion development news.
These are the default settings for the liteAccordion plugin:
containerWidth : 960, // fixed (px)
containerHeight : 320, // fixed (px)
headerWidth: 48, // fixed (px)
responsive : false, // overrides the above three settings, accordion adjusts to fill container
autoScaleImages : false, // if a single image is placed within the slide, this will be automatically scaled to fit
minContainerWidth : 300, // minimum width the accordion will resize to
maxContainerWidth : 960, // maximum width the accordion will resize to
activateOn : 'click', // click or mouseover
firstSlide : 1, // displays slide (n) on page load
slideSpeed : 800, // slide animation speed
onTriggerSlide : function() {}, // callback on slide activate
onSlideAnimComplete : function() {}, // callback on slide anim complete
autoPlay : false, // automatically cycle through slides
pauseOnHover : false, // pause on hover
cycleSpeed : 6000, // time between slide cycles
easing : 'swing', // custom easing function
theme : 'basic', // basic, dark, light, colorful, or stitch
rounded : false, // square or rounded corners
enumerateSlides : false, // put numbers on slides
linkable : false // link slides via hash
These are the methods for the liteAccordion plugin:
play // trigger autoPlay on a stopped accordion
stop // stop an accordion playing
next // trigger the next slide
prev // trigger the previous slide
destroy // remove the accordion, destroying all event handlers and styles (unstyled html content will remain)
debug // returns a debug object
All of these methods are chainable (i.e. they return the original DOM object) with the exception of the debug method. To call a method, use:
To chain methods:
v2.1.1 - 10/09/2012
- fixed issue #58
v2.1 - 19/08/2012
- added responsive layout option
- added minContainerWidth and maxContainerWidth properties for use with responsive option
- added autoScale images option
- click or hover on selected header now triggers slide
- linkable now uses 'data-slide-name' instead of 'name'
- $.browser no longer used
v2.0.3 - 18/08/2012
- Chrome residual animation artifacts bug fix
v2.0.2 - 23/01/2012
- slide width fix for IE
- added documentation for methods
v2.0.1 - 23/11/2011
- added css hook on each slide for ie7 & ie8
- css fixes for ie7 & ie8
- css improvements for other browsers
v2.0 - 16/11/2011
- new methods:
- play
- stop
- next
- prev
- destroy
- debug
- rewrote plugin to expose methods
- refactored core
- refactored css, styles no longer cascade into slide content divs
- mouseover activation
- easing support
- linkable slides via hashchange
- two new themes:
- light
- stitch
- demo suite available
v1.1.3 - 06/04/2011
- IE bug fixes
v1.1.1, v1.1.2 - 27/03/2011
- IE bug fixes
v1.1 - 21/03/2011
- Added a pause on hover feature
v1.0 - 02/03/2011
- First release
- IE6
- IE7 & hashchange - if you need this, please use Ben Alman's jQuery BBQ plugin.
- the 'stitch' theme has been stripped back for IE depending on the level of CSS support available.