During the microservice hackathon we will need to provision:
- elasticsearch
- redis
- logstash
- kibana
- graphite
- graphana
- zookeeper
- logstash-forwarder
- rundeck
- nexus
After provisioning just access http://kibana.warsjawa.uservices.pl.
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -vvvv --limit loggers
After provisioning you can access
- graphite at http://graphite.warsjawa.uservices.pl
- graphana at http://grafana.warsjawa.uservices.pl
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -vvvv --limit graphite
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -vvvv --limit apps
Oracle JDK 8u5.
Installed as a service that logs to syslog.
After provisioning you can access Nexus at http://nexus.warsjawa.uservices.pl:8081/nexus/#welcome
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -vvvv --limit loggers
- ELK stack - https://github.com/valentinogagliardi/ansible-logstash
- Oracle JDK - https://github.com/wybczu/ansible_oracle_jdk
- logstash forwarder - https://github.com/WeAreFarmGeek/ansible-logstash-forwarder
- nexus - https://github.com/marcingrzejszczak/ansible-sonatype-nexus