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feat: kaggle templates related (#287)
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* add kaggle test

* kaggle templates changes
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XianBW authored Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 77966c4 commit 785fdc1
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Showing 19 changed files with 781 additions and 41 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions rdagent/app/kaggle/
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Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ class Config:

competition: str = ""

local_data_path: str = "/data/userdata/share/kaggle"

rag_path: str = "git_ignore_folder/rag"

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions rdagent/app/kaggle/
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from rdagent.core.utils import import_class
from rdagent.log import rdagent_logger as logger
from rdagent.log.time import measure_time
from rdagent.scenarios.kaggle.kaggle_crawler import download_data
from rdagent.scenarios.kaggle.proposal.proposal import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +90,10 @@ def main(path=None, step_n=None, competition=None):
if competition:
KAGGLE_IMPLEMENT_SETTING.competition = competition
download_data(competition=competition, local_path=KAGGLE_IMPLEMENT_SETTING.local_data_path)
logger.error("Please specify competition name.")

if path is None:
kaggle_loop = KaggleRDLoop(KAGGLE_IMPLEMENT_SETTING)
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions rdagent/scenarios/kaggle/developer/
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@

META_TPL_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "experiment" / "meta_tpl"

class KGCachedRunner(CachedRunner[ASpecificExp]):
def build_from_SOTA(self, exp: ASpecificExp) -> None:
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@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
# TODO: Fix
import re

import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)

train = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/test.csv")
submission = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/sample_submission.csv")

features = ["cohesion", "syntax", "vocabulary", "phraseology", "grammar", "conventions"]
target = train[features]

text_train = train["full_text"]
text_test = test["full_text"]

text = pd.concat([text_train, text_test], ignore_index=True)

count_words = text.str.findall(r"(\w+)").str.len()

""" Cleaning Text """
text = text.str.lower()

# removing special characters and numbers
text = text.apply(lambda x: re.sub("[^a-z]\s", "", x))

# remove hash tags
text = text.str.replace("#", "")

# remove words less than 3 character and greater than 7
text = text.apply(lambda x: " ".join([w for w in x.split() if len(w) > 2 and len(w) < 8]))

# removing stopwords
# text = text.apply(lambda x : " ".join(word for word in x.split() if word not in stopwords ))

count_words = text.str.findall(r"(\w+)").str.len()

most_freq_words = pd.Series(" ".join(text).lower().split()).value_counts()[:25]
text = text.apply(lambda x: " ".join(word for word in x.split() if word not in most_freq_words))

count_words = text.str.findall(r"(\w+)").str.len()

apostrophe_dict = {
"ain't": "am not / are not",
"aren't": "are not / am not",
"can't": "cannot",
"can't've": "cannot have",
"'cause": "because",
"could've": "could have",
"couldn't": "could not",
"couldn't've": "could not have",
"didn't": "did not",
"doesn't": "does not",
"don't": "do not",
"hadn't": "had not",
"hadn't've": "had not have",
"hasn't": "has not",
"haven't": "have not",
"he'd": "he had / he would",
"he'd've": "he would have",
"he'll": "he shall / he will",
"he'll've": "he shall have / he will have",
"he's": "he has / he is",
"how'd": "how did",
"how'd'y": "how do you",
"how'll": "how will",
"how's": "how has / how is",
"i'd": "I had / I would",
"i'd've": "I would have",
"i'll": "I shall / I will",
"i'll've": "I shall have / I will have",
"i'm": "I am",
"i've": "I have",
"isn't": "is not",
"it'd": "it had / it would",
"it'd've": "it would have",
"it'll": "it shall / it will",
"it'll've": "it shall have / it will have",
"it's": "it has / it is",
"let's": "let us",
"ma'am": "madam",
"mayn't": "may not",
"might've": "might have",
"mightn't": "might not",
"mightn't've": "might not have",
"must've": "must have",
"mustn't": "must not",
"mustn't've": "must not have",
"needn't": "need not",
"needn't've": "need not have",
"o'clock": "of the clock",
"oughtn't": "ought not",
"oughtn't've": "ought not have",
"shan't": "shall not",
"sha'n't": "shall not",
"shan't've": "shall not have",
"she'd": "she had / she would",
"she'd've": "she would have",
"she'll": "she shall / she will",
"she'll've": "she shall have / she will have",
"she's": "she has / she is",
"should've": "should have",
"shouldn't": "should not",
"shouldn't've": "should not have",
"so've": "so have",
"so's": "so as / so is",
"that'd": "that would / that had",
"that'd've": "that would have",
"that's": "that has / that is",
"there'd": "there had / there would",
"there'd've": "there would have",
"there's": "there has / there is",
"they'd": "they had / they would",
"they'd've": "they would have",
"they'll": "they shall / they will",
"they'll've": "they shall have / they will have",
"they're": "they are",
"they've": "they have",
"to've": "to have",
"wasn't": "was not",
"we'd": "we had / we would",
"we'd've": "we would have",
"we'll": "we will",
"we'll've": "we will have",
"we're": "we are",
"we've": "we have",
"weren't": "were not",
"what'll": "what shall / what will",
"what'll've": "what shall have / what will have",
"what're": "what are",
"what's": "what has / what is",
"what've": "what have",
"when's": "when has / when is",
"when've": "when have",
"where'd": "where did",
"where's": "where has / where is",
"where've": "where have",
"who'll": "who shall / who will",
"who'll've": "who shall have / who will have",
"who's": "who has / who is",
"who've": "who have",
"why's": "why has / why is",
"why've": "why have",
"will've": "will have",
"won't": "will not",
"won't've": "will not have",
"would've": "would have",
"wouldn't": "would not",
"wouldn't've": "would not have",
"y'all": "you all",
"y'all'd": "you all would",
"y'all'd've": "you all would have",
"y'all're": "you all are",
"y'all've": "you all have",
"you'd": "you had / you would",
"you'd've": "you would have",
"you'll": "you shall / you will",
"you'll've": "you shall have / you will have",
"you're": "you are",
"you've": "you have",

def lookup_dict(txt, dictionary):
for word in txt.split():
if word.lower() in dictionary:
if word.lower() in txt.split():
txt = txt.replace(word, dictionary[word.lower()])
return txt

text = text.apply(lambda x: lookup_dict(x, apostrophe_dict))

# Remove rare words
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain

# split words into lists
v = text.str.split().tolist()
# compute global word frequency
c = Counter(chain.from_iterable(v))
# filter, join, and re-assign
text = [" ".join([j for j in i if c[j] > 1]) for i in v]
text = pd.Series(text)

total_word = 0
for x, word in enumerate(text):
num_word = len(word.split())
# print(num_word)
total_word = total_word + num_word
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

class TfidfFeature:
def fit(self, train_df: pd.DataFrame):
train_df = np.array(train_df).tolist()
train_X = list(map("".join, train_df))
self.model = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english", max_df=0.5, min_df=0.01).fit(train_X)
# print(self.model.get_feature_names_out()[:5])

def transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame):
X = np.array(X).tolist()
X = list(map("".join, X))
return self.model.transform(X)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor
from sklearn.svm import SVR

def select(X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
return X

def fit(X_train: pd.DataFrame, y_train: pd.Series):
model = MultiOutputRegressor(SVR()), y_train)
return model

def predict(model: MultiOutputRegressor, X_test: pd.DataFrame):
X_test_selected = select(X_test)
return model.predict(X_test_selected)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# TODO: fix the

import importlib.util
from pathlib import Path

def import_module_from_path(module_name, module_path):
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module

DIRNAME = Path(__file__).absolute().resolve().parent

y = target
X = text[: len(train)]
X_test = text[len(train) :]

for f in DIRNAME.glob("feature/feat*.py"):
cls = import_module_from_path(f.stem, f).feature_engineering_cls()
X_train_f = cls.transform(X_train)
X_test_f = cls.transform(X_test)


submission["cohesion"] = predictions[:, 0]
submission["syntax"] = predictions[:, 1]
submission["vocabulary"] = predictions[:, 2]
submission["phraseology"] = predictions[:, 3]
submission["grammar"] = predictions[:, 4]
submission["conventions"] = predictions[:, 5]

submission.to_csv("submission.csv", index=False) # writing data to a CSV file
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions rdagent/scenarios/kaggle/experiment/
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from pathlib import Path

from rdagent.components.coder.factor_coder.factor import (
Expand All @@ -16,10 +17,14 @@
class KGModelExperiment(ModelExperiment[ModelTask, KGFBWorkspace, ModelFBWorkspace]):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.experiment_workspace = KGFBWorkspace(template_folder_path=Path(__file__).parent / "meta_tpl")
self.experiment_workspace = KGFBWorkspace(
template_folder_path=Path(__file__).parent / f"{KAGGLE_IMPLEMENT_SETTING.competition}_template"

class KGFactorExperiment(FeatureExperiment[FactorTask, KGFBWorkspace, FactorFBWorkspace]):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.experiment_workspace = KGFBWorkspace(template_folder_path=Path(__file__).parent / "meta_tpl")
self.experiment_workspace = KGFBWorkspace(
template_folder_path=Path(__file__).parent / f"{KAGGLE_IMPLEMENT_SETTING.competition}_template"

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