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Java 7+/Android JSON parser/generator, MIT (c) 2020-2024 @miktim

Release notes:

Java SE 7+/Android RFC 8259 compliant package (see: ).
- no external dependencies;
- arrays of mixed type are allowed;
- “JSON” means text in JSON format. JSON text exchanged between systems MUST be encoded using UTF-8 (default charset);
- “Json” means the Java representation of a JSON object.

The jar ./dist/json-... file was generated with debugging info using JDK 8 for target JRE 7.

The class JSON contains static methods for parsing/generating text in JSON format. Parser converts JSON to package native objects: Json ( the Java representation of a JSON object ), String, Number, Boolean, null, Object[ ] - an array of the listed types. The JSON generator accept any Java object, all Java primitives and their arrays.

Instances of Java classes can be converted to Json object (usually empty) using Json.converter.

The JsonObject abstract class and JsonConvertible interface use the JavaScript-like replacer/reviver tool to convert object instance fields to or from package native objects.

package org.miktim.json

Class JSON

This class contains static parsing/generating methods.


static Object fromJSON ( String jsonText ) throws IOException, ParseException
Parse JSON text to a native objects.

static Object fromJSON ( InputStream in, String charsetName ) throws IOException, ParseException
Parse JSON text from an input stream with the specified encoding

static String toJSON ( Object obj ) throws IOException;
Serializes a Java object as a single-line text in JSON format

static String toJSON ( Object obj, int space ) throws IOException
Generate a Java object as JSON text with the specified number of spaces in the line indentation.

static <T>T toJSON ( T obj, OutputStream out, int space, String charsetName ) throws IOException
Serializes a Java object as JSON text into a stream with the specified indentation and encoding. Returns obj.

Methods for converting or copying Java objects. Notes:
- the sample object must be initialized;
- arrays must have the same dimension;
- casting numbers may involve rounding or truncation;
- casting null to primitive returns empty array or initial value;
- casting to null returns null.

static <T> T cast ( T sample, Object obj ) throws ClassCastException
Casting a Java Object to the sample Class

static <T> T cast ( Class <T> cls, Object obj ) throws ClassCastException
Casting a Java object to a Class


 * Parse and cast arrays

// cast by class. Numbers truncated to integers
int ints = JSON.cast(int[].class,
  JSON.fromJSON("[1.2, 3.4, 5]"));
// generate JSON with two spaces in the indentation
System.out.println(JSON.toJSON(ints, 2));
/* console output:
// cast by sample
double[][] dbls = new double[0][0];
dbls = JSON.cast(dbls, new int[][]{{1, 2, 3},{7, 8, 9}});
/* console output:
[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]]

Class Json extends HashMap <String, Object>

This class is a Java representation of a JSON object. Json member types: Json, String, Number, Boolean, null, Object[ ] array of listed types.

Put, set notes:
- Json object setters accept any Java object, all Java primitives and primitive arrays;
- RFC 8259 does not recommend using Java BigDecimal and BigInteger as JSON values;
- the put, set methods cast Java primitives into corresponding objects: Number, Boolean or String for chars;
- Java arrays are stored as:
int[ ][ ] as Object[ ] { Object[ ] { Number, ... }, Object[ ] { Number, ... } }, String[ ] as Object[ ] { String, ... }


Json ( )
Default constructor.

Json ( Object... members ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Members is a name,value pairs

Json ( String jsonText ) throws IOException, ParseException
Create Json object from String

Json ( InputStream inStream ) throws IOException, ParseException
Create Json object from UTF-8 encoded stream.


 * Creating Json object
// ... from name/value pairs
Json j = new Json("number", 1, "string", "qwerty", "boolean", true);
/* console output: 
{"number": 1, "string": "qwerty", "boolean": true}
// ... from String
j = new Json("{ \"number\": 1, \"string\": \"qwerty\", \"boolean\": true }"); 


String[ ] listNames ( )
Returns a list of the names of the members of this Json object

boolean exists ( String memberName, int... indices )
Returns true if there is a member or an element of the member array

Object put ( String memberName, Object value );
Put Json member.

Json set ( String memberName, Object value );
Create or replace member. Returns this.

Object get( String memberName );
Get Json member.

Object remove ( String memberName );

Object get ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns null, the value of an member, or an array element

Json getJson ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns a nested Json object

String getString ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException Casts member or array element to String

Number getNumber ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Casts member or array element to Number

Boolean getBoolean ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Casts member or array element to Boolean

Object[ ] getArray ( String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Casts member to array of Objects

<T> T castMember ( T sample, String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Converts the value of a Json member or an array element to the sample class. See notes for a JSON.cast methods

<T> T castMember ( Class <T> cls, String memberName, int... indices ) throws ClassCastException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
Converts the value of a Json member or an array element to the specified class. See notes for a JSON.cast methods

String toString ( )
Overridden. Returns JSON text as single line

String toJSON ( )
Stringify Json object as single line

String toJSON ( String memberName, int... indices )
Stringify member value or array element as single line

Json toJSON ( OutputStream outStream ) throws IOException
Output UTF-8 encoded single line JSON text to outStream. Returns this.


 * Creating a Json object and extracting members
Json j = (new Json())
  .set("personId", 1234)
// "phones" is nested Json object
    new Json("home", "123-4567","work","890-1234"));
System.out.println(JSON.toJSON(j, 2));
/* console output
  "personId": 1234, 
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe", 
  "phones": {
    "home": "123-4567", 
    "work": "890-1234"
// retrieve personId
int personId = j.getNumber("personId").intValue();
// retrieve first name
String firstName = j.getString("firstName");
// retrieve home phone from nested Json object
String homePhone = j.getJson("phones").getString("home");
System.out.printf("%d %s %s\n\r", personId, firstName, homePhone);
/* console output:
1234 John 123-4567

Static Json.converter

Used to convert existing instances of Java objects to/from a Json object.
Only the visible (context depended!) fields are converted. The converter ignores the final and transient fields.


Json toJson ( Object targetObj ) throws ClassCastException
Returns a Json object from the target object

<T> T fromJson ( T targetObj, Json jsonObj ) throws ClassCastException
Loads Json to target object. Returns target object.


 * Fields visibility
  public static class Foo {
    public String pub = "public"; // visible
    String def = "default"; // invisible in the converter
    protected String pro = "protected"; // visible in the same package
    private String pri = "private"; // invisible in the converter
    public transient String pubt = "public transient"; // ignored
    public final String pubf = "public final"; // ignored

    public Foo() {}; // default constructor
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Foo foo = new Foo();  
/* console output:
{"pub": "public", "pro": "protected"}

Interface JsonConvertible

The JsonConvertible interface provides JavaScript-like methods for converting Java object fields into or from package native objects. Notes:
- visibility of object fields as from the object constructor (including the privates);
- Java transient and final fields are ignored;
- it is recommended to initialize the accessible fields and create a public default constructor;
- non-native, non Json convertible fields MUST be managed using replacer/reviver.


static final Object IGNORED
Returned from the replacer/reviver methods to skip the field.


Object replacer ( String name, Object value );
Applies on unloading to Json object:
- name is object field class and name delimited with colon ( : ), value is object field value;
- first call with the target object class name and the target object as the value;
- returns Json-supported object or IGNORED.

Object reviver ( String name, Object value );
Applies on loading from Json object:
- name is object field class and name delimited with colon ( : ), value is Json-supported object;
- first call with the target object class name and the Json object as value;
- returns a value that is compatible with the target object field or IGNORED


 * Creating a Json convertible HashMap
public class NamesOfNumbers extends HashMap<Double, String>
    implements JsonConvertible {

  public int space = 2; // spaces in indentation
  public NamesOfNumbers() {

// unload fields to Json object
  public Object replacer(String name, Object value) {
    if (name.indexOf(':') < 0) { // first call without field name
// convert HashMap to Json object
      Json j = new Json();
      for (Double key : this.keySet().toArray(new Double[0])) {
        j.put(key.toString(), this.get(key));
      return new Json("HashMap", j); // return newly created Json object
    return value; // unloading other fields "by default"

// load fields from Json object
  public Object reviver(String name, Object value) {
    if (name.indexOf(':') < 0) { // first call without field name
// fill HashMap from the Json object 
      Json j = ((Json) value).getJson("HashMap");
      this.clear(); // erase HashMap
      for (String key : j.listNames()) {
        this.put(new Double(key), j.getString(key));
      return IGNORED; // nothing to do
    return value; // loading other fields "by default"

// serialize this to String with spaces in the indentation 
  public String toJSON() throws IOException {
    return JSON.toJSON(Json.converter.toJson(this),;
// deserialize this from String
  public void fromJSON(String s) throws IOException, ParseException {
    Json.converter.fromJson(this, new Json(s));
  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ParseException {
    NamesOfNumbers names = new NamesOfNumbers();
    names.put(0.0, "zero");
    names.put(1.0, "one");
    names.put(1.5, "one and five tenths");
    String s = names.toJSON();
/* console output:
  "HashMap": {
    "0.0": "zero", 
    "1.0": "one", 
    "1.5": "one and five tenths"
  "space": 2
one and five tenths

Abstract class JsonObject implements JsonConvertible

Java object extender. Unload/load fields of a Java object instance to/from a package native objects. Notes:
- visibility of object fields as from the object constructor (including the privates);
- Java transient and final fields are ignored;
- it is recommended to initialize accessible fields and create a public default constructor;
- non-native, non Json convertible fields MUST be managed using replacer/reviver.


static final Object IGNORED
Returned from the replacer/reviver methods to skip the field


public Object replacer ( String name, Object value );
public Object reviver ( String name, Object value );
See JsonConvertible interface.

Json toJson ( );
Returns a Json object from this object

<T> T fromJson ( Json jsonObj );
Loads Json to this object. Returns this object.

String toString ( );
Overridden. Generate JSON text as a single line


 * Declare JsonObject 
  public static class Person extends JsonObject {
    int personId = 0;
    String firstName = "";
    String lastName = "";
    boolean married = false;
// use Json class (HashMap<String, Object>) for phones
    Json phones = new Json();

// default constructor
    public Person() {

  public static void main(String[] args)
    throws IOException, ParseException {

// create and fill Person instance
    Person person = new Person();
    person.personId = 12345;
    person.firstName = "John";
    person.lastName = "Doe";
    person.phones.put("home", "123-4567");
    person.phones.put("work", "789-0123");
// unload person to JSON string
    String s = person.toJson().toJSON();
// load person from JSON string
    person = new Person();
    person.fromJson(new Json(s));
// get a home phone number
/* console output:
{"personId": 12345, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "married": false, "phones": {"work": "789-0123", "home": "123-4567"}}

See also: