This is Love Letter Card game for Android device which is developed during my education in UFAZ for Software Engineering project. Love Letter Card Game is played between 2 and 4 players. Any player can create or join existing room, there is no need to register or login to play this game. It is used sockets to see real-time changes in the game. Project is written in Kotlin and in MVP pattern to make test or adding new functionality easier.
Feel free to download and play this game :)
Video link:
apk link:
Socket library - to see changes real-time in the game
Toasty - to see messages like success,warnings or errors with toast but with steroids
RecylerView - to see room list
Material Design
To provide clear data flow which will increase robustness, scalability, bug resistant, increase readability, easy to modify and increase productivity and provide a quality app it is chosen MVP pattern to develop this Love Letter game, without any patterns it becomes difficult just change some part of code in the project. To get data from back-end and to make it real-time it is used Socket library where each user can see any changes during a game instantly. The main game logic is done in back-end. While developing this game it is focused to use less activities , but more fragments to make transitions between screens smoothly. Lots of animations are used in this game like card flip animation, card move animation, give a card to player or all players animation, discard card of player animation and etc.