Program for the surface-hopping simulation of non-adiabatic vibration-induced autoionization of molecular anions
- Cython is needed to compile modules used in the calculation of diabatic couplings (necessary) and exact two-electron integrals with one plane wave (highly experimental, default: off)
- A version of Gaussian09/Gaussian16 or QChem is needed for the quantum-chemical calculations of each timestep.
The following packages are needed to run the program and downloaded during installation:
- scipy, mainly for the integration of the electronic Schrödinger equation
- pyscf for the calculation of two-electron integrals
- joblib for the parallelization of the calculation of diabatic couplings
- matplotlib for the plots produced by hortensia_latest/gui/
In the program folder use the commands
$ python build_ext --inplace
$ pip install .
to first compile the Cython files and then pip-install the program.
$ pip uninstall hortensia_latest
After installation, the dynamics simulation can be started with with the command
$ hortensia --run
Files needed to start the calculations are
- config.ini
- basis (atomic basis in Gaussian format)
If you wish to restart a trajectory, additional mandatory files are:
- velocities.dat
- tempcoef.dat
- trajpop.dat
The program also has some useful functions beyond the dynamics simulation, a detailed overlook of which can be obtained by calling the help function with
$ hortensia --help