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Optimize a reaction path using the nudged elastic band algorithm


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Optimize a reaction path using the nudged elastic band algorithm. An electronic structure method implemented in Gaussian 09/16, Q-Chem or BAGEL is used to calculate the energy and forces. The optimization itself is driven by the BFGS algorithm.

Nudged elastic band (NEB) method for finding minimum energy paths (MEP) and saddle points. Implementation based on "Improved tangent estimate in the nudged elastic band method for finding minimum energy paths and saddle points" by Henkelman, G.; Jonsson, H. J.Chem.Phys. 113, 9978 (2000)"


Python 2.7+ or 3.5+

Python Packages
  • numpy, argparse, future


Download the NEB directory

git clone

Go into this new directory and install the Python package

cd NEB
python install

Now it should be possible to call the NEB program:

optmize_neb --help

The execution of the NEB program is only possible within the SLURM environment. The idea is that a SLURM job will execute the optimize_neb script and this job will automatically submit the force calculations of the individual images (geometries). Therefore, this NEB package contains submission scripts to send Gaussian/Q-Chem/Bagel jobs to the SLURM queue. It might be necessary to adopt them to your system. They are located in NEB/run_scripts/ Additionally, it is important that this path is included in your $PATH environment variable. In bash you can execute something like this:



The NEB calculations are parallelized over the images. The number of images that are processed at the same time are specified by the option parallel_images. The calculation for each image can be run in parallel, as well. The %Nproc=... line in the Gaussian job file should agree with the value provided in the option procs_per_image.

Every N time steps the current path and the energy profile are written to and path_energies_####.dat where #### is replaced by the name of the input xyz-file and the time step.

To see all options for controlling the NEB calculation, call optimize_neb with the --help option.

Input Files:      -  xyz-file with educt, intermediates and product
for Gaussian 09/16
  neb.gjf     -  Gaussian 09/16 input script driving the energy calculation (see below)
for Q-Chem      -  Q-Chem input script driving the energy calculation (see below)
Output Files:            -  current reaction path
path_energies_####.dat  -  current energy profile

The program expects the initial (unoptimised) paths (xyz file) as a single argument, e.g:


This single argument should be an xyz-file containing initial guess geometries along the reaction path. This path will be optimized using the nudged elastic band (NEB) algorithm.

Initial Path

The initial path for the NEB should be interpolated between the two minimum structures. There are two different algorithms that can be used. Either a linear interpolation (in internal coordinates), which is a for example a part of the DFTBaby package by A. Humeniuk (see in DFTBaby). The more sophisticated way is to use the geodesic interpolation algorithm developed by T. Martinez and coworkers (see Ref.). Their algorithm is implemented in a python package and can be obtained from their Github repository. A number of 12 to 16 interpolated structures is often a good choice.

Interface to Gaussian 09/16

In addition you have to set up a Gaussian input script called neb.gjf that computes the gradient and saves it in a checkpoint file called 'grad.chk'. The geometry is updated via a file called geom that is imported at the end of the script. An example neb.gjf is given below:

 ------- example for neb.gjf ----------
 %Chk=grad.chk                         !<-- Do not change this filename
 %Nproc=1                              !<-- This should be the same number as the --procs_per_image keyword
 %Mem=1Gb                              !<-- This number be 20-30% lower than the --mem_per_image keyword
 # B3LYP/def2SVP Force

 s0 gradient

 0 1
 @geom                                 !<-- Do not change this filename

                                       !<-- Don't forget the extra line at the end 

Interface to Q-Chem

To use the NEB package in combination with Q-Chem you have to prepare a Q-Chem input script called Within this input file it is important that you request a force calculation and that a Checkpoint file will be written. An example input script is shown below:

  Q-Chem input file
 1. A line prefixed with an exclamation mark ‘!’ is treated as a comment and will be ignored by the program
 2. Variables are case-insensitive (as is the whole Q-CHEM input file).

 0 1       ! Charge | Multiplicity | You do not have to specify the molecule here!

 !--GENERAL Q-CHEM SETTINGS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  MEM_TOTAL                 12250      ! maximum amount of ram memory (MB)
  MEM_STATIC                2000       ! static memory used (MB).
  AO2MO_DISK                50000      ! specifies maximum amount of memory written to scratch files (MB)
  GUI                       2          ! 0: generate no checkpoint file | 2: generate fchk

 !--SCF PROCEDURE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  SCF_CONVERGENCE           8          ! SCF is converged when energy change is below 1e-X hartree
  SCF_MAX_CYCLES            150        ! controls the maximum number of scf iterations perimetted
  SYMMETRY_IGNORE           true       ! control whether to use symmetry and reorienation of the molecule

 !--SPECIFICATION OF JOBTYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  JOBTYPE                   force       ! requests the computation of gradients

 !--LEVEL OF THEORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  METHOD                    B3lYP       ! specifies the (TD)-DFT functional
  BASIS                     def2-svp    ! specifies basis set to be used

Visualization of results

After successful minimization of the reaction pathn you can plot the energy of the path during each iteration. Within the directory where the and path_energies_####.dat files are located, you can just call:

optimize_neb plot

This will open a Matplotlib window where you can slide through the iterations as shown below:


Some examples with a submit script can be found in the NEB/examples directory.

  • water_flip_g16: Reaction path of water flip with Gaussian16 in the singlet ground state at the DFT level.
  • water_flip_g16_excited_state: Reaction path of water flip with Gaussian16 in the first singlet excited state at the DFT level.
  • water_flip_qchem: Reaction path of water flip with Q-Chem in the singlet ground state at the DFT level.

Make sure that the `optimize_neb` script is within your `$PATH` variable, so that it can be called from the command-line. The NEB computations can be performed in the electronic ground state as well as in the excited state. The interfaces allow these features at least for Gaussian 16 and Q-Chem. Optimization within the frame of spin-polarised/unrestricted wave functions are also possible and tested with Gaussian 16 and Q-Chem.

Optional arguments:

  • -h,--help show this help message and exit

  • -i PROCS_PER_IMAGE, --procs_per_image=PROCS_PER_IMAGE Number of processors used in the calculation for a single image [default: 1]

  • -m MEM_PER_IMAGE, --mem_per_image=MEM_PER_IMAGE Amount of memory to be allocated for each image calculation [default: 6Gb]

  • -p PARALLEL_IMAGES, --parallel_images=PARALLEL_IMAGES How many images should be processed in parallel? Each image will be run with procs_per_image processors [default: 1]

  • -c FORCE_CONSTANT, --force_constant=FORCE_CONSTANT Force constant for strings connecting the beads on the elastic band [default: 0.1]

  • --mass=MASS Mass of beads [default: 1.0]

  • -t TOLERANCE, --tolerance=TOLERANCE The optimization is finished, if the maximum force on the band drops below this value [default: 0.02]

  • -n NSTEPS, --nsteps=NSTEPS Run damped dynamics for NSTEPS steps [default: 1000]

  • --dt=DT Time step for integrating damped dynamics [default: 0.1]

  • -f FRICTION, --friction=FRICTION damping coefficient between 0.0 (no damping) and 1.0 (do not use such high damping) [default: 0.2]

  • -e, --optimize_endpoints Optimize the endpoints of the path as well [default: not set]

  • -s SCRATCH_DIR, --scratch_dir=SCRATCH_DIR Path to scratch directory [default: /sscratch/$PBS_JOBID]

  • --print_every=PRINT_EVERY Print current path and energies every N-th step [default: 1]

  • --integrator=INTEGRATOR Choose the integration algorithm for the optimization steps. Use either 'verlet' or 'bfgs' (default). BFGS is strongly recommended.

  • --maxstep=MAXSTEP Maximum step length for BFGS optimization in Angstrom [default: 0.01]

  • --calculator=CALCULATOR Choose electronic structure program, 'g09' or 'g16' (Gaussian) or 'qchem'. If Q-Chem is chosen, an input file called '' has to be present instead of 'neb.gjf' [default: g16]


Optimize a reaction path using the nudged elastic band algorithm







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