An R package for doing thing when something else happens
Install the development version from Github with:
## install remotes pkg if not already
if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) {
## install from github
DO something WHEN something else is true
## wait 5 seconds between attempts
do_when(rnorm(10), runif(1) > .25, .s = 5)
#> ✔ It's time!
#> [1] -1.14834822 -0.13355004 -0.00667972 0.78728776 -0.64064666
#> [6] -0.72742693 0.77617354 0.81115401 0.22888682 -0.04896746
DO something WHEN it’s a certain TIME
## set desired time to trigger something
good_time <- Sys.time() + 8
## wait 5 seconds between attempts
do_when_time(rnorm(5), good_time, .s = 5)
#> ↪ Waiting 5 seconds
#> ↪ Waiting 5 seconds
#> ✔ It's time!
#> [1] 0.763136 0.599533 -0.691657 -0.836801 0.934215
DO something WHEN a certain FILE exists
## create "test" file
cat("You read my file!", file = "test")
## check for "test" file every minute
do_when_file(tfse::readlines("test"), "test", .s = 60)
#> ✔ It's time!
#> [1] "You read my file!"
## remove test file