The minimum age to have a heart disease start from 28 years old. ( by min max age )
Most of the people get heart disease at the age of 53 to 54 years. ( by age describe )
Most of the males and females get are with heart disease at the age of 54 to 55 years.
Male percentage inthe data: 78.91%
Female percentage in the data : 21.09%
Males are 274.23% more than female in the data.
We have the highest number of people from Clveland(304) and lowest from Switzerland (123).
..Age vs Sex and origin..
The highest number of female in this dataset are from Cleveland(97) and lowest are from VA Long Beach(6).
The highest number of male are from Hungary(212) and lowest from Switzerland(113). ..Chest pain according to Origins..
The high number of Typical angina, Asymptomatic and Non anginal chest pain is in the Cleveland while Atypical anigna is highly occured in Hungary.
Lowest number of chest pain (Typical angina, Asymptomatic, Non anginal and Atypical angina)is happened in Switzerland as compare to other origins.
..Chest pain according to Age..
- TThe highest number of case of chest pain is happened in 'Asymtomatic Angina' is 45 and the lowest number of chest pain is that happened is Typical Angina is 11.
The highest number of case of 'Typical Angina' occurred among individuals between the ages of 62 and 63. Notably, 6 individuals within this age range were identified as having Typical Angina.
The highest number of case of 'Asymtomatic Angina' occurred among individuals between the ages of 56 to 57 years. Notably, 47 individuals within this age group were identified as having Asymptomatic Angina.
The highest number of case of 'Non Anginal' occurred among individuals between the ages of 54 to 55 years. Notably, 19 individuals within this age group were identified as having Non Anginal.
The highest number of case of 'Atypical Angina' occurred among individuals between the ages of 54 to 55 years. Notably, 28 individuals within this age group were identified as having Atypical Anginal