BukkitJSON is a Bukkit plugin, which acts like an alternative to MoltenJSON. This allows developers to have MoltenJSON as a dependency without needing to embed it in the plugin JAR. It also allows multiple plugins that use BukkitJSON to have a relatively small JAR size, all through BukkitJSON.
If you're a developer and would like to use BukkitJSON:
[1] Add it as a dependency to your plugin.yml:
depend: [BukkitJSON]
[2] Add it to your pom.xml:
...and to your dependencies:
[2] Add this to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
...and to your dependencies:
compile 'com.github.moltenjson:BukkitJSON:VERSION'
If you are not using any build system like Gradle or Maven, you can add BukkitJSON JAR to your classpath.
If you are a server owner/admin, and a plugin asked you to download BukkitJSON, simply drag and drop the latest JAR to your plugins folder, and all should be good.
- None!
If your plugin uses BukkitJSON, feel free to open an issue requesting your plugin page to be added below.