Real time processing with a simple example
###Kafka This setup worked for me:
- Kafka 0.7.2
- sbt 2.9.2
- jdk-6
###Cassandra Install Cassandra 2+. Create a keyspace and a table with the following commads.
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};
use test;
CREATE TABLE logs(time timestamp, log_level varchar, count int, primary key(log_level, time));
###Storm Run the Storm Topology.
mvn -e clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=RunTopology
####Send to Kafka Tail a continuosly growing log file to Kafka.
python &
python -l example.log -t test
A simple websocket application that continously queries Cassandra on the server side, and renders a time series on the client side.
- Get rickshaw and add it to the WebContent folder
- Get Glassfish 4
- Add the dependecies of cassandra driver to ext folder inside Glassfish
- Start the server
You can the go here to see below: