The aim of the first challenge is to understand what is Azure Workbooks and how to create them
The aim of this challenge is to create a report that combines browser, web server and infrastructure performance in a single page.
Create a workbook with sections that report on the performance of your eShopWeb application from five different perspectives
- Web page performance as observed from the client-side browser using Page View records.
Visualizations: Time Selector, Table with columns for Page Titles. Page Views with Bar underneath, Average Page Time with Thresholds and Maximum Page time with Bar underneath.
- Request failures reported by the web server using Request records.
Visualization: Table with columns for Request Name. HTTP Return Code, Failure Count with Heatmap and Page Time with Heatmap.
- Server response time as observed from the server-side using Request metrics.
Visualization: Line Chart of Average and Max Senver Response Time.
- Infrastructure performance as observed from the nodes in the AKS cluster on which the application is deployed using Average and Maximum CPU usage metrics.
Visualization: Line Chart of Average CPU usage percentage by AKS cluster node
- Infrastructure performance from AKS nodes showing disk used percentage based on Log Analytics records.
Visualization: Line Chart of Average Disk used percentage by AKS cluster node.
- Show your Workbook
Are you sure? finished trying? ;-) Challenge 3: The solution