This demo shows how to load the docker secrets into spring boot environment properties, it prevents the password property such as web.secret being exposed as plain text in your application-dev.yml file.
The web.secret property in this demo refers to other property ${docker-secret-web-secret}, which is preloaded by an EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation. The prefix docker-secret- helps to identify that the property is loaded from docker secret, and web-secret is the filename bind within the docker container under the /run/secrets folder.
# The "docker-secret.bind-path" property trigger the EnvironmentPostProcessor to load
# the bind docker secrets as password property
bind-path: /run/secrets
secret: ${docker-secret-web-secret}
The spring-boot-web service bind the secret web.secret
version: "3.8"
image: muditshukla3/boot-docker-secret:1-RELEASE
- "8080:8080"
- "8081:8081" # This is for spring boot actuator
- web-secret
external: true
The PropertyPostProcessor implements the EnvironmentPostProcessor interface, it loads all the files under the /run/secrets folder as environment properties.
For this demo, the docker secret web-secret gets bind as file /run/secrets/web-secret" in the docker container, which is loaded as the spring boot property docker-secret-web-secret.
And you have to declare your EnvironmentPostProcessor class in META-INF/spring.factories file
- Make sure docker swarm is up and running. If not, execute the following command:
docker swarm init
- Create a file secrets.txt that contains the secret value. Create the docker secret using cli. Issue the following command:
docker secret create web-secret secret.txt
- Run the mvn command to generate docker image.
mvn clean install
- Run the docker stack file.
docker stack deploy -c ./docker-stack.yml spring-boot-secret
- Hit the following endpoint once the service is up and running.