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Multi level Monte Carlo for random pore scale geometries


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MATTEO ICARDI (with G. Boccardo, H. Hoel, N. Quadrio)
November 2013 - March 2015
Multilevel Monte Carlo for flow simulations on random porous media geometries

PLEASE CITE doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.01.004

Code released under GPL license

folder literature: relevant papers on mlmc, random geometry, packings and others

folder code_dev: development version (new things go here)
subfolder Dict: input files to run the code (dictionary files)

folder script: various scripts to run and manage the code at a higher level

folder code: main python code (only tested and stable things go here)
subfolder Dict: input files to run the code (dictionary files)

code files:
*template             = OPENFOAM and GMSH predefined cases, all options about numerical schemes and other things are there                = main file to run with python3 (customizable by the user)              = module for virtual deposition process          = module for random geometry generation             = module for runnning single simulations or parametric studies               = module for running MC or MLMC estimation           = module for loading OpenFOAM
gmshgetdp             = module for running GETDP            = module for statistical analysis of packings, used as a solver (no PDE though)            = general include file for all the modules
*           = default values for Dict files. If a * file is present in the folder they are overwritten
                        NB: the Default files are just symbolic links to the *Dict files in the code/Dict folder
other files:
compute_porosity.pvsm = ParaView state file to compute effective porosity of a certain sample (moved to OF template folder)                = bash script to extract a quantity of interest from the OpenFOAM log file         = bash script to backup all the log files and folders of a specified testcase         = bash script to remove all simulation data from the folders
monitorResiduals      = gnuplot script to plot residuals from OpenFOAM log file (moved to OF template folder)


Usage overview:
The code has be developed in a modular way.
Almost each module can be imported and used autonomously however the full usage is meant to be through the main file 

- Take a look at run/ for running the code
- Take a look at the dictionaries to see all the options available
- Take a look at to change the main routine and customize the analysis

To run the code:
Either use the script (editing it accordingly) or follow these steps:
1 - create a work folder with the script
3 - Customize all the options in the dictionaries and the script 
4 - Setup Blender, OpenFOAM or GMSH in the PATH and their custom internal properties (or add it in
5 - run the script (or with "python -u" or "ipython", after you have set all the environmental variables, see the bash file for an example)

- OpenFOAM-2.3 or later (with previous versions you should replace the file searchableSphere.C to fix a bug)
- for multiphase simulations (comp2phase) need OF 2.3, swak4Foam and some extra OF functionalities developed by me (Matteo)
- For elliptic PDEs GMSH and GETDP recent versions and added in the PATH
- For complex packings Blender > 2.68
- python3 with all scientific modules (random, numpy, matplotlib, etc). It is suggested to use Anaconda from Continuum Analytics. Install the 3.x version 
- For clusters and distibuted computing, an environment variable $HOSTFILE should point to a file with the list of hosts

Suggested system setup:
- add the following lines to your .profile or .bashrc file
export MLMC_PORESCALE=~/porescalemc
alias setup_mlmc_testcase=$MLMC_PORESCALE/script/

- implement adaptive stopping and checking Aitken method once more
- implement aitken or other extrapolation also for the levels to reduce bias
- check gmsh solvers and modify accordingly also packing solver (recent changes in the definition of set_input and setup)
- re-check all formula for QoI and function objects
- add wallbcs based on openfoamDict entry also in other solvers (now only in steadyNS)

Future developments (big things):
- add parametric studies to
- Implement the coupling with Fenics (Haakon)
- Add other equations (in OF, GETDP and Fenics) and other post-processing QoIs
- packing analysis study module: add better porosity estimation, implement surface area estimation, two-point correlation and other stuff

General to-do list (small things):
- Rewrite the QoI processing by avoiding writing files and, if possible, avoid also writing simulations setups
- Reorganize debug output, log files and input/output using logging module
- look in the code for the keyword "TODO"
- 2D for GMSH/GETDP is not implemented. 2D for OpenFOAM should be checked again
- check the implementation of mlmc_hybrid to parallelize with supercomputers (mixed mpi and multiprocessing with rpyc)
- manage more exceptions (code not converging, geometry not connected, NaN, etc....) to-do list:
- compute approximate porosity from pair-distance matrix
- add preferential orientation for ellipsoids
- add shrinking/growing factor to improve packing algorithm and to simulate low porosity media (only OpenFOAM)
- finish and check Nathan's development on heterogeneities to-do list:
- add ellipsoids and random rotation (already done for randomgeo, just copy it)
- add other primitives
- perform sampling of grains on pre-defined model sets
- add random roughness
- separate container STL from grain STL to impose different BCs to-do list:
- extrapolate Q and the constant in the convergence rate from Q_l (Richardson extrapolation)
- propose a robust way to estimate alpha,beta and gamma and use them in the stopping criterium and in the optimal number of samples for new levels (see CMLMC of Abdo)
- propose an automatic way to deal with multi-index refinement instead of increasing/decreasing all parameters at the same time


- Icardi et al. (2016 AdWR, 2015 ??)
- Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali et al., Continuation Multilevel Monte Carlo, Multi-index Monte Carlo
- Hakon Hoel's note
- Nathan Quadrio's master thesis (PoliTo and KAUST)
- Luigi Del Plato's master thesis (PoliTo)
- Eleonora Crevacore's master thesis (PoliTo)
- Icardi et. al., PRE, 2014


Multi level Monte Carlo for random pore scale geometries







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