Protocol Analyzer Highlighting Structured Data for Analysis
Pronouned like pasta, because I like food.
Requires Qt5 with QtSerialPort package. If you install Qt manually using the downloadable installer from Digia, it comes with the serial port library already installed.
You can then uncomment the line in at the beginning and specify the path to the qmake binary that was installed with the manually installed version.
If you are on an Ubuntu system, add the following package to install Qt with serial port support. After installing this package, you should be able to build pahsda with the Ubuntu packaged version of qt5-dev.
- libqt5serialport5-dev
cd pahsda
git submodule update --init --recursive
DUML Lite is a plugin for analyzing DUML traffic from DJI drones. You can use the files in src/plugins/dumlLite as a template for making your own plugin to analyze different protocols.
I plan to make the IO initialization a plugin as well.