##Emma API Wrapper (PHP)
A PHP wrapper for Emma's API.
Update tests/Bootstrap.php with your account id and api keys.
phpunit --bootstrap tests/Bootstrap.php tests
Wrapper includes methods to help with performing HTTP requests to Emma's public API
require 'src/Emma.php';
$account_id = 123456; // Replace with your account id
$public_key = 'ec6936852ca7a4136fdc'; // Replace with your public key
$private_key = '63bfa55a2b5e3554db4c'; // Replace with your private key
$emma = new Emma($account_id, $public_key, $private_key);
// Returns an array of all members
$req = $emma->myMembers();
echo json_decode($req);
// Returns a count of all members
$req = $emma->myMembers(array('count' => true));
echo json_decode($req);
// Returns an array of members with specific offset
$req = $emma->myMembers(array('start' => 5, 'end' => 75));
echo json_decode($req);
// Returns The member_id of the new or updated member, whether the member was added or an existing member was updated, and the status of the member. The status will be reported as ‘a’ (active), ‘e’ (error), or ‘o’ (optout).
try {
$member = array();
$member['email'] = '[email protected]';
$member['fields'] = array('first_name' => 'bob', 'last_name' => 'saget');
$req = $emma->membersAddSingle($member);
echo json_decode($req);
} catch(Emma_Invalid_Response_Exception $e) {
// Returns True if the member was updated successfully
try {
$member = array();
$member['email'] = '[email protected]';
$member['fields'] = array('first_name' => 'Betty', 'last_name' => 'Sue');
$member['status_to'] = 'a';
$req = $emma->membersUpdateSingle(111, $member);
echo json_decode($req);
} catch(Emma_Invalid_Response_Exception $e) {
// Returns True if the member is deleted.
try {
$req = $emma->membersRemoveSingle(111);
echo json_decode($req);
} catch(Emma_Invalid_Response_Exception $e) {