This ros metapackage contains some packages that I wrote it myself according to the tutorials provided by the MoveIt! official website. The MoveIt! Tutorials website is: Before you begin to learn, you must first glance at the following Notes!
- panda_bringup: The panda_bringup package provides roslaunch for starting panda_arm_hand motion planning and simulation test.
- panda_description: The panda_description package provides a complete 3D model of the panda_arm_hand for simulation and visualization.
- panda_gazebo: The panda_gazebo package can launch panda_arm_hand in gazebo simulator.
- panda_gazebo_controller_config: The panda_gazebo_controller_config package provides controller configuration files for simulating panda_arm_hand in gazebo.
- panda_teleop: The panda_teleop package can control panda_arm_hand by using keyboard.
- panda_moveit_config: The panda_moveit_config package provides configuration and launch files for using the panda_arm_hand with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework.
- panda_moveit_control: The panda_moveit_control package provides motion planning and control for panda_arm_hand by using kinematics.
- Installing ROS packages.
$> roscd
$> cd ../src
$> git clone
$> cd ..
$> rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic
$> cd src/learning-moveit
$> ./
- Building ROS packages.
$> roscd
$> cd ..
$> catkin_make
$> roslaunch panda_bringup panda_bringup_gazebo.launch
$> rosrun panda_teleop panda_teleop_arm_hand_keyboard
$> roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch
$> roslaunch panda_bringup panda_bringup_gazebo_and_moveit.launch
When you run panda_bringup_gazebo.launch
or panda_bringup_gazebo_and_moveit.launch
, you will notice that the terminal will output following some warning messages:
[ WARN] [1534040926.378110292, 0.132000000]: The default_robot_hw_sim plugin is using the Joint::SetPosition method without preserving the link velocity.
[ WARN] [1534040926.378135775, 0.132000000]: As a result, gravity will not be simulated correctly for your model.
[ WARN] [1534040926.378288871, 0.132000000]: Please set gazebo_pid parameters, switch to the VelocityJointInterface or EffortJointInterface, or upgrade to Gazebo 9.
[ WARN] [1534040926.378348094, 0.132000000]: For details, see
As mentioned above, the PositionJointInterface
can't simulate gravity in Gazebo. It must use the VelocityJointInterface
or EffortJointInterface
. But because setting the PID parameters of the panda manipulator is very complicated and time-consuming, I chose the PositionJointInterface
to reduce the workload. The result is that when the velocity and amplitude of the panda manipulator exceeds a certain value, the entire panda manipulator will fly in Gazebo! I hope that someone will be able to solve this problem thoroughly.
When you run panda_moveit_config/launch/demo.launch
or other moveit launch files, you will notice that the terminal will output following some error messages:
[ERROR] [1534042979.682769522]: XmlRpc Exception: type error
[ERROR] [1534042979.682802441]: Failed to configure updater of type PointCloudUpdater
I haven't found a solution to this problem for a long time on Google, and I'm sure there's no problem with the panda_moveit_config/config/sensors_xtion.yaml
file. If someone has encountered similar problem, I hope he can provide a solution, thanks.
Whenever I remotely control panda manipulator to grasp ojbects on the cabinet in Gazebo, objects will always be flown at the moment the end effector is clamped. About this problem, I analyzed the possible reason is that the parameters of the Gazebo simulation are not set correctly. Of course, there may be other reasons. I wrote it down first, and if I have a chance and enough time latter I'll fix it.