sort-visualizer is a sorting algorithm visualizer written in html, css, and js.
- multiple sorting algorihtm can run
- super ugly interface
- bad code
- bad sound
sorting algorithm that have been implemented are:
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Cocktail Shaker Sort
- Odd Even Sort
- Comb Sort
- Shell Sort
- Merge Sort
- Stooge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Pancake Sort
- Bogo Sort
- Gnome Sort
- Tim Sort
- Bitonic Sort
- Cycle Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Diamond Sort
- Circle Sort
- Bitonic Sort Iterative
- Diamond Sort Iterative
- Crease Sort
- Fold Sort
- Weave Sort Recursive
- Weave Sort Iterative
- Stalin Sort
- Pairwise Sorting Network Recursive
- Pairwise Sorting Network Iterative
- Bozo Sort
- Odd-Even Merge Sort Rescursive
- Odd-Even Merge Sort Iterative
- Min Heap sort
- Simple Sort (polylog)
- Quick Sort Parallel
- Merge Sort Parallel
- Bitonic Sort Parallel
- Odd-Even Merge Sort Parallel
- Pairwise Sorting Network Parallel
- Merge Sort Iterative
- Merge Sort In-Place