Data & code for examples of the 3 models in Gilbert et al., "Integrating harvest and camera trap data in species distribution models"
These models are written in NIMBLE, a language derived from BUGS. Unlike previous programs (WinBUGS, JAGS), NIMBLE models are programmable objects in R, but are compiled in C++ for speed. Therefore, prior to installing NIMBLE, you must have Rtools installed so the code can be compiled. Please see the NIMBLE website for instructions.
We provide example data and code for bobcat. In Wisconsin, bobcats are known to be associated with areas of greater forest cover and to avoid urban areas--hence, we use canopy cover and impervious cover within 5x5 km grid cells to predict bobcat occurrence. Camera data comes from 6/1/2018-10/14/2018, a period following parturition but before the harvest season (20 October 2018-31 January 2019).
The data included in this repository consists of three objects:
- constants : constants (e.g. indices) for the model. In list form.
- data : data for the model. In list form.
- cov : two covariates, in a polygon shapefile
More detail about each is as follows:
- ncell : the number of grid cells (5x5 km)
- nsurveys: the number of week-long sampling occasions the camera was active for
- cell : the identity of grid cells containing a camera
- ncams : the number of cameras
- ncounty: the number of counties
- low: a lower bounding index used to define which grid cells fall within which county
- high: an upper bounding index used to define which grid cells fall within which county
- neigh: the number of adjacencies between grid cells
- y : a matrix with rows representing cameras and columns representing sampling occasions. 1 = bobcat detected during sampling occasion, 0 = bobcat NOT detected during sampling occasion, NA = camera not active during this sampling occasion
- effort: an effort bias term used in the harvest submodel. This is, for each county, the percent of hunters statewide who operated in a given county
- harvest: the number of bobcats harvested in each county in 2018
- num: number of adjacent grid cells to each grid cell
- adj: the identies of adjacent grid cells for each grid cell
- weights: how neighboring grid cells are weighed. All = 1
- forest: mean % canopy cover within each 5x5 km grid cell
- imperv: mean % impervious cover within each 5x5 km grid cell
- cam_can: % canopy over of the 30x30m cell containing the camera coordinates
- yday: matrix with ordinal date of the beginning of each survey occasion for each camera
- yday2: matrix with ordinal date^2
Shapefile of covariates (vectorized grid).
Code for the three models is provided in the code folder; "bobcat_camera.R" is the camera-only model, "bobcat_harvest.R" is the harvest-only model, and "bobcat_isdm.R" is the integrated model. Code for the simulation study ("isdm_sim.R") is also provided in this folder.