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Each component is listed below along with what that component is, what is it used for and how it is used.


what: This file gets executed at the beginning of the X session)

how: Softlinked ln -s ~/dotfiles/xprofile/.xprofile ~/.xprofile


  • to make touchpad tap work in bspwm
  • to increase pointer acceleration to max


what: This file gets executed at the starting of an interactive bash session.

how: Sourced from within the default .bashrc file source ~/dotfiles/bashrc/.bashrc


  • aliases
  • appending directories to $PATH environment variable

what: This script runs everytime the user log in

how: Softlinked ln -s ~/dotfiles/startup/ /etc/profile.d/


  • set background using feh awesomewm theme does this now
  • start compton
  • start redshift
  • start safeeyes
  • keyboard modifications
    • start ksuperkey to use modkey(independantly) to get system notification not using this anymore
    • space mods disabled for now. interferes with touch typing
    • replace windows key with the alt key
    • replace caps lock key with escape key and control key (xcape)
    • removing alt+shift shortcut used by default to change the keyboard layout. I cannot recall why I have disabled it.
  • start wifi indicator in system tray (nm-applet)
  • start clipster (clipboard manager)
  • replace windows key with the alt key
  • set dark theme on nautilus and any other gtk app

Note: Might require chmod +x


what: similar to (runs upon logging in) but has root priviledges

how: Softlinked sudo ln -s ~/dotfiles/startup/rc.local /etc/rc.local


  • turn on thinkpad backlight on startup

Note: Might require chmod +x


what: Compositor

how: Softlinked ln -s ~/dotfiles/compton/compton.conf .config/compton.conf


  • to din inactive windows diabled. causes problems while presenting

crontab -e

what: run any periodic scheduled task

how: copy commands from README into crontab config accessed from crontab -e


  • play sound every hour 0 * * * * paplay /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/service-login.ogg

sudo crontab -e

what: run any periodic scheduled task with root access

how: copy commands from README into crontab config accessed from sudo crontab -e


  • modify /etc/hosts/ remove "#" (comment) from any line that contains (local DNS) awk '{if ($0 ~ / gsub("#", "", $0); print > "/etc/hosts";}' /etc/hosts discontinued. moved this to an alias to be triggered on demand.


what: vim config

how: Softlinked ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim/.vimrc ./.vimrc


  • set number lines
  • enable vim clipboard syncing with ubuntu clipboard
  • many other vim editor configs (see config file for comments)

Other modifications

  • changed key press delay to improve vim usability using the below commands

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard repeat-interval 1
    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard delay 1

    should be ideally

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard repeat-interval 30
    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard delay 250
  • Removed all options in setxkbmap to be able to use alt + shift shortcut in sublime for splitting view

    It can be restored using the following command setxkbmap -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

    For a list of other options run man xkeyboard-config It can be restored using the following command setxkbmap -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" For a list of other options run man xkeyboard-config

  • added kernel.sysrq=0 to /etc/sysctl.conf.

    This disables system_req commands initated using ALT+Print+ command. The system_req key combinations are used to issue direct commands to the linux kernel. It was interfering with Alt+Shift+Print shortcut for Clipping from the screen.

  • create a profile named 'float' in gnome-terminal with zero transparency to be used as floating terminal.

  • gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences recursive-search 'never' - disables recursive search in gnome

  • sudo apt-get install yaru-theme-gtk install dark theme for the environment variable in to work

  • uncomment or add HandleLidSwitch=ignore in /etc/systemd/logind.conf to make sure nothing happens when the lid is closed

  • wallpapers set by awesome are based on a function that reads the screens resolution and picks a random file from $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/<screen_resolution>

Firefox modifications


  • remove tabs bar in firefox


  • make background of new window page black
  • make the splitter betwen page and sidebar black
  • remove dropdown menu from the top of the sidebar

about:config changes

  • pixel scaling for better readability on high res screens layout.css.devPixelsPerPx=1.2
  • remove popup for notification permissions (in settings)
  • remove fullscreen warning notification full-screen-api.warning.timeout=0
  • enable ctrl-q quit firefox warning - to prevent accidental presses browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit=true,browser.warnOnQuit=true
  • prevent cookies from being used by anyone except the domain that set it privacy.firstparty.isolate=true
  • enable ESNI and DoH from Cloudflare to prevent tracking
  • Resist fingerprinting privacy.resistfingerprinting = true disabled. it started randomizing the timezone.


  • i3lock
  • pqiv
  • rofi
  • clipster
  • scrot
  • mpv
  • blueman


    • When setting up a new machine create a Screenshots folder in the Pictures folder for scrot keybinding to work. mkdir ~/Pictures/Screenshots
    • Pin the folder for ease
    • mkdir ~/Pictures/wallpapers/3440x1440 replace the folder name with the screen's resolution. All randomized wallpapers will be picked from this folder
    • Install vim-gtk3 for it to work with ubuntu clipbaord register


Write about :

  • xmodmap config
  • firefox extension config
  • clipster and roficlip

Include gnome-terminal config to dotfiles


dotfiles and system config






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