Using the XD and/or PDF in this repository, please do the following:
- Create a WordPress installation in any way you like (MAMP/Docker/Vagrant/Local - whatever you usually would do)
- Use a PageBuilder plugin of your choosing (SiteOrigin Page Builder, Advanced Custom Fields Flexible Content, etc) to implement the design as a single, re-useable module.
- Implement interactivity (rollover states) to your own liking. We'd like to see your creativity here.
- Use your best judgement to make this responsive.
- You don't need to worry about exactly the correct fonts, but matching the other measurements from the design is expected.
- You don't need to use the same artwork from the design, you can use any stock imagery.
- If you can't extract the heart svg from the design, don't worry about that. Just use an icon font or something similar.
- No functionality is required.
- Do not spend more than a couple of hours doing this. If you don't finish, that is not a problem, we are primarily looking at how you would independently approach this.
- Please either make a repository that we can access with instructions on where to look at the relevant code, or
- Provide a ZIP of the HTML, CSS, and JSON/PHP files that are responsible for describing the PageBuilder/Flexible Content layout that was used to build this.
- Please provide screenshots and/or video of it working. Or, ideally, a functional link to it, but given the timeframe this is not expected.