Script to analyse intensity and area of muscle attachment sites
Input files can be any bioformat, but I have tested only on Olympus Upright .oib files.
The files should be stacks of images with embryos aligned along X-axis (with respect to anterior-posterior axis).
Files should be labelled by consequent numbers starting with 1 (i.e. 1,2,3,4...)
Then simply run MAS_analysis.m, select a folder with images and relax
Two output files will be created directly in the folder with original images:
- All.csv contains information about every individual attachment site.
- Average.csv contains avarage values per embryo.
This files include the following information:
- Embryo - the number of the embryo, which corresponds to the number of the image file;
- Intensity - mean intensity of individual attachment sites, or average per embryo. Background intensity (see below) is subtracted from the mean intensity of each attachment site.
- Area - area of individual attachment sites, or average area per embryo.
- Total - a product of intensity and area of individual attachment sites, or average area per embryo.
- Eccentricity - eccentricity of of individual attachment sites, or average area per embryo.
- Number MAS (only in Average.csv) - number of muscle attachment sites identified in each image.
- Objects are identified in each z-plane through edge detection, dilation of edges and filling the wholes.
- The objects are eroded to compensate for previous dilation, and objects in contact with image borders are removed.
- Background intensity is identified as mean intensity outside of all detected objects.
- Properties of all objects are determined with regionprops: Area, MeanIntensity, Eccentricity, and Orientation.
- Properties of objects fullfilling the selection criteria are recorded and averaged. The following selection criteria are used:
- object eccentricity is larger than 0.97;
- object area is between 700 and 4000 pixels;
- object orientation is larger than 45° to exclude detection of vitelline membrane;
- mean intensity after subtraction of background intensity is positive.
The second criterium will need to be adjusted depending on the image resolution.
For more details and examples see: Bulgakova N.A., Wellmann J., Brown N.H. (2017) Diverse integrin adhesion stoichiometries caused by varied actomyosin activity. Open Biol., 7(4), PubMed.