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This repository provides shared functionality, template solutions, documentation, and a common vocabulary, related to, and for applications adhering to, the Nejla Reference Architecture.

The reference architecture currently assumes Haskell, GHC, Cabal, Persistent, PostgreSQL, and REST APIs.

Using the App Monad

Many applications need to access a database and keep track of application state. The App monad provides both of this in a neat package.

Type Parameters

The App monad has 3 type paramaters:

  • st: The application/user state type. This would normally be a record type containing the applications global data (or () if you don't need to track state)
  • r: The privilege level of the action.
  • l: The transaction level

Privilege levels

Actions are divided in privileged and unprivileged actions. Unprivileged actions generall only perform read-only operations (except for logging), while privileged actions can also update the database.

Unprivileged actions can be run in a privileged context by using the unprivileged function

At the moment it is the responsibility of the user to set the appropriate privilege level of actions.

Transaction levels

Postegresql can operate in 3 transaction levels that provide different separation guarantees:

  • Read committed
  • Repeatable Read
  • Serializeable

For in-depth discussion of the semantics of those levels please refer to the Postgres documentation.

The app monad keeps track of the minimum required transaction level for an action.

Use withReadCommitted, withRepeatableRead and withSerializeable to set / upgrade the required transaction level of an action. Note that the transaction level can't be downgraded. runApp' will automatically set the necessary level in a new transaction before running the action. This only works if you set the level using the aforementioned functions.

Talking to the database

The App monad works with the database connectivitiy provided by the persistent package. To run a database action, lift it into App using the db function for privileged actions (read-only or publically modifyable state) and db' for privileged ones

Retrieving application state

To grab the application state you set in runApp', use askState or viewState. The latter allows you to pass a lens to retrieve the part that interests you

Working with the App type

Having to write out the 3 type parameters becomes tedious quickly. Therefore, we recommend creating type synonyms to reduce the boiler plate.

For example, suppose your application uses the ApplicationState data type to keep all the global state and doesn't care about privilege levels, you would define

type MyApp tlevel a = App ApplicationState 'Privileged tlevel a

And would henceforth use e.g. MyApp 'ReadCommitted Bool instead of App ApplicationState 'Privileged 'ReadCommitted Bool


Emitting log messages

Nejla-common provides functionality for easy and consistent logging that is easily shippable to Elasticsearch via Logstash.

To get started, define your event types either as a single type with multiple constructors, on for each event you want to log, or one type for each event. Then make sure they are instances of the ToJSON type class (either by writing an instance by hand or by using aesons generic methods.)

Next you also need to write LogMessage instances that gives the type of each event.


data Event = Event { eventDetail1 :: !Text
                   , eventDetail2 :: !Int

deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Event

instance LogMessage Event where
  messageType Event{} = "my_event_type"

Now you can use toLogRow to construct a log row for custom logging or use logEvent to log an event to stderr in json format


logEvent Event{ eventDetail1 = "foo"
              , eventDetail2 = 77

would produce


Shipping to Elastic Stack

In a production environment you will probably want to ship the logs to a central loggin facility like the ELK stack.

First you need to set up the ELK (now "elastic") stack. For this, please refer to the elastic documentation.

Next you will have to configure logstash to accept logs via the GELF protocol, so add the following the the logstash.conf

input {
  gelf {
    port => 12201

replacing to the port number as desired.

You will also have to set up processing of the log rows:

filter {
  json {
    source => "message"
    add_field => {"parsed_json" => true }
    remove_field => ["message", "time"]

and shipping to elasticsearch:

output {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["http://elasticsearch:9200/"]
      index => "logstash-%{instance}"

again, replacing the hostname and port as needed, and restart logstash.

Now you can set up docker to ship its rows to logstash. To do so, (re-)create your containers with the following option

--log-driver=gelf --log-opt gelf-address=udp://host:port replacing "host" and "port" with the hostname and port of the logstash instance (the port you selected in the previous section)

or if you use docker-compose (compose-file version 2), add the following to the service sections:

      driver: gelf
        gelf-address: udp://host:port

Logs should now be shipped to your ES instance.

Complete example of logstash.conf

This example includes more complex processing.

  • It adds handling of log messages of the form [LOGLEVEL#component] message as produced by persistent
  • It enables geoip resolution of IP addresses stored in the "ip" field

For an in-depth discussion of logstash configuration, please refer to the logstash documentation

input {
  gelf {
    port => 12201


filter {
  if [message] =~ /\A{.*}\Z/ {
    json {
      source => "message"
      add_field => {"parsed_json" => true }
      remove_field => ["message", "time"]
  else {
    grok {
      match => {message =>
        [ "\A\[%{LOGLEVEL:level}(#(?<component>[^\]]+))?]%{GREEDYDATA:message}\Z"
      overwrite => ["message"]
      add_field => ["type", "logs"]


  if [ip] {
    geoip {
      source => "ip"
      target => "geoip"
      add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][longitude]}" ]
      add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][latitude]}"  ]
    mutate {
      convert => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "float" ]

output {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["http://elasticsearch:9200/"]
      index => "logstash-%{instance}"

Servant components

NejlaCommon.Component contains a servant combinator that allows you to tag an endpoint with a component.

For example

type API = Component "statistics" :> "my" :> "path" :> Get '[JSON] MyData

Alternatively you can tag a group of endpoints:

type API = Component "statistics" :> ("my" :> "path" :> Get '[JSON] MyData
                                     :<|> "another" :> "endpoint" :> Post '[JSON] Something

Endpoints tagged like this will have the component set as a tag in swagger, swagger-ui will then group them.

Note that the servant-server requires EnabledCompenents to be set as a context, which contains a Set of component names (as Text). Endpoints that are tagged as components will only be reachable if the component is enabled (member of the set). Otherwise they will always return 404.

For example, to enable the statistics component:

    ( EnabledComponents (Set.fromList ["statistics"])
        :. EmptyContext)

where api is your api type and handler the corresponding handler function

Component can be nested, so endpoints can belong to more than one component. The swagger documentation will have all of them set as tags and the endpoint is only reachable if all set components are set. (This just falls out of how servant components work)


Warnings can catch errors early. To make them useful, projects should be kept warning-clean during development, so all code should be compiled with all warnings enabled by adding:

  ghc-options:      -Wall

to each library, executable and test-suite section.

Warnings should only be disabled when fixing them is infeasible on a by-need basis. preferably by adding the appropriate pragma to the respective source file:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -#}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults -#}

or disabling them for the whole section if those pragmas would be used in many source files:

  ghc-options:      -Wall -fno-warn-orphans

Likely candidates for suppression

  • -fno-warn-orphans
  • -fno-warn-type-defaults


The NejlaCommon.Test module brings some useful helper functions.

HUnit (and exception-based testing frameworks)

  • failure: A general purpose failing combinator

  • shouldBe: lifted to MonadIO

  • shouldParseAs, shouldParseAs_: Check that value can be parses as JSON


  • postJ, putJ: post and put with Content-Type set to "application/json"
  • shouldBeSuccess: Check that response has success status code
  • shouldSucceed: Check that action returns a successful response
  • shouldReturnA, shouldReturnA_: Check that action returns a response that can be parsed as JSON


NejlaCommon.Config includes useful helpers for getting configuration for an app. Each option can be set either in a configuration file (see configurator) or an environament variable (for ease of use with e.g. docker-compose).


NejlaCommon.Helpers brings helpers for aeson and lens TH generation functions.

Data fields in Haskell are usually written in camelCase and prefixed to avoid name clashes, whereas json values are often written with underscores and no prefixing is necessary. So when writing {To|From}JSON instances the names need to be converted. The modules includes helper functions to easy that process and comes with a sensible default aesonTHOptions

Lens on the other hand comes with functions that handle prefixes, however, it doesn't check for invalid names (e.g. "type" or "default") or offer an easy option for fixing them. That's where camelCaseFieldsReplacing helps: you can give it a HashMap of replacements which are applied to fields. camelCaseFields' comes with default replacements for "type" to "type'" and "default" to "default'".

JSON helpers

NejlaCommon.JSON includes helpers for serializing data as JSON.

Record/struct serialization

Consider a typical record type like:

data Foo = Foo
    { fooBar :: Int
    , fooQuux :: Bool

We'd like to serialise it as a json object:

{"bar": 123, "quux": false}

This can be done with the AsObject newtype. First make sure to derive Generic:

data Foo = Foo { fooBar :: Int , fooQuux :: Bool}
deriving (Generic)

then you can get ToJSON, FromJSON and openAPI's ToSchema "for free" by wrapping values in AsObject:

>>> Aeson.encode (AsObject (Foo { fooBar = 123, fooQuux = False }))

>>> Aeson.decode "{\"bar\":123,\"quux\":false}" :: Maybe (AsObject (Foo))
Just (Foo {fooBar = 123, fooQuux = False})

Deriving JSON instances using DeriveGeneric and DerivingVia

Instead of manually wrapping the values you can directly derive instances using the DerivingVia extension:

data Foo = Foo { fooBar :: Int , fooQuux :: Bool}
deriving (Generic)
deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema) via (AsObject Foo)

You can think of this as the compiler automatically doing the wrapping for you.

JSON and HttpApiData instances for Enums

Similary, enum-like data types (constructors without fields) can automatically be serialized as strings. If the name of the Type is used as a prefix of a constructor, it is automatically removed

data MyEnum = Foo | MyEnumBar | Baz
deriving (Generic)
>>> Aeson.encode (AsEnum Foo)
>>> Aeson.encode (AsEnum MyEnumBar)

Again, you can use DerivingVia to attach the instances directly to the base type:

data MyEnum = Foo | MyEnumBar | Baz
  deriving (Generic)
  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema, ToHttpApiData, FromHttpApiData) via (AsEnum MyEnum)


See [](] for an explanation of source files


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