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Describe your GraphQL schema using chainable interface

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See API section for more information.


  • Node.js >= 8 < 9 || >= 10
  • GraphQL.js 0.11.x || 0.12.x || 0.13.x || 14.x (see installation section)


You can install parasprite from NPM:

npm install --save parasprite graphql

or YARN:

yarn add parasprite graphql


Parasprite has classes that help you describe GraphQL schema with chains.

Note: You can invoke these classes without "new" keyword, just like a function

constructor Schema()

Main class that defines GraphQL schema.

Instance methods

query(name[, description]) -> {Type}
  • {string} name – Name for root Query type
  • {string} [description = undefined] – Description for root Query type

Define Query with given name and description.

mutation(name[, description]) -> {Type}
  • {string} name – Name for root Mutation type
  • {string} [description = undefined] – Description for root Mutation type

Define Mutation with given name and description.

subscription(name[, description]) -> {Type}
  • {string} name – Name for root Subscription type
  • {string} [description = undefined] – Description for root Subscription type

Define Subscription with given name and description.

end() -> {GraphQLSchema}

Make GraphQLSchema.

constructor Type

This class helps you describe GraphQLObjectType. there is 3 different syntaxes:


  • {object} options
    • {string} name – Name for the type
    • {string} [description = null]
    • {GrphQLInterfaceType | GrphQLInterfaceType[]} [interfaces = null]
    • {GraphQLObjectType} [extends = null]
    • {Function} [isTypeOf = null]

Type(name[, options])

  • {string} name
  • {object} options
    • {string} [description = null]
    • {GrphQLInterfaceType | GrphQLInterfaceType[]} [interfaces = null]
    • {GraphQLObjectType} [extends = null]
    • {Function} [isTypeOf = null]

Type(name[, description, options])

  • {string} name
  • {string} [description = null]
  • {object} options
    • {GrphQLInterfaceType | GrphQLInterfaceType[]} [interfaces = null]
    • {GraphQLObjectType} [extends = null]
    • {Function} [isTypeOf = null]

Instance methods

field(options) -> {Type}

Define one field on GraphQLObjectType. Returns current instance of Type class.

  • {object} options – A field declaration options with the following properties:
    • {string} name
    • {string | [object, boolean]} type – Any valid GraphQL type, or a tuple with the type and required flag
    • {string} [description = undefined]
    • {string} [deprecationReason = undefined]
    • {boolean} [required = false] – If set to true, the field type will be marked as non-null.
resolve(options) -> {Resolve}

Add a new resolve field with the handler.

  • {object} options – A field declaration options with the following properties:
    • {string} name
    • {string | [object, boolean]} type – Any valid GraphQL type, or a tuple with the type and required flag
    • {string} [description = undefined]
    • {string} [deprecationReason = undefined]
    • {boolean} [required = false] – If set to true, the field type will be marked as non-null.
    • {Function} handler – a function that will be used as resover for this field
subscribe(options) -> {Resolve}

Add a new subscribe field with the handler.

  • {object} options – A field declaration options with the following properties:
    • {string} name
    • {string | [object, boolean]} type – Any valid GraphQL type, or a tuple with the type and required flag
    • {string} [description = undefined]
    • {string} [deprecationReason = undefined]
    • {boolean} [required = false] – If set to true, the field type will be marked as non-null.
    • {Function} handler – a function that will be used as subscriber for this field
end() -> {GraphQLObjectType}

Make a GraphQLObjectType.

constructor Input(name[, description])

  • {string} name – Name for object type
  • {string} description – Description for object type

Instance methods

field(options) -> {Input}
  • {object} options – A field declaration options with the following properties:
    • {string} name
    • {string | [object, boolean]} type – Any valid GraphQL type, or a tuple with the type and required flag
    • {string} [description = undefined]
    • {boolean} [required = false] – If set to true, the field type will be marked as non-null.
    • {any} [defaultValue = undefined] – default value for this field (undefined means there is no default value)

constructor Interface(name[, description], resolveType)

Create a custum GraphQLInterfaceType using Parasprite chainable API

See Type section for more info about available methods.

constructor Union

Create a new GraphQLUnionType.

This constructor have to different APIs:

Union(name[, description], types[, astNode])

  • {string} name – Name of the new Unit type.
  • {string} description – Type description
  • {GraphQLObjectType[]} types – A list of types, that could be resolved by the Union.
  • {object} astNode


  • {object} options:
    • {string} name – Name of the new Unit type.
    • {string} description – Type description
    • {GraphQLObjectType[]} types – A list of types, that could be resolved by the Union.
    • {object} astNode

Instance methods

match(predicate[, ctx]) -> {Union}

Add a predicate function to the internal queue. These predicate will be used to match returning values with one of given types.


toListType(value) -> {GraphQLList}

Create GraphQLList from given array or value

toRequired(value) -> {GraphQLNonNull}

Mark given value as non-null.

buildSchema(path[, options]) -> {GraphQLSchema}

Build a GraphQLSchema by reading the definitions from given directory.

  • {string} path – An absolute or relative path to the directory with the schema definitions.
  • {object} [options = {}] – Advanced parameters for that utility.
    • {object} query – Options for a Query definitions:
      • {string} [name = "Query"] – The name of Query type
      • {string} [dir = "query"] – The subdirectory name from where definitions would be read.
    • {object} mutation – Options for a Mutation definitions:
      • {string} [name = "Mutation"] – The name of Mutation type
      • {string} [dir = "mutation"] – The subdirectory name from where definitions would be read.
    • {object} subscription – Options for a Subscription definitions:
      • {string} [name = "Subscription"] – The name of Subscription type
      • {string} [dir = "subscription"] – The subdirectory name from where definitions would be read.


  1. Basically, all you need is to describe GraphQLSchema is a Schema class and GraphQL internal types:

Take a look at simple example with a resolver that just greets a user:

import {GraphQLString as TString} from "graphql" // You also need graphql package
import Schema from "parasprite"

const greeter = (_, {name}) => `Hello, ${name}!`

const schema = Schema()
      name: "greeter",
      type: TString,
      required: true,
      handler: greeter
      .arg("name", TString, true)

This schema is equivalent to the following code in GraphQL schema language:

type Query {
  greeter(name: String!): String!

schema {
  query: Query
  1. More complex example with Type class usage:
import {GraphQLString as TString} from "graphql" // You also need graphql package
import Schema, {Type} from "parasprite"
import Project from "model/Project" // Whatever model you need

const Project = Type("Project")
    name: "name",
    type: TString,
    description: "Project name"
    name: "tagline",
    type: TString

const schema = Schema()
      name: "project",
      type: Project,
      description: "Get the project by his name",
      handler: Project.findProjectByName
        name: "name",
        type: TString

Equivalent to:

type Project {
  # Project name
  name: String
  tagline: String

type Query {
  # Get the project by his name
  project(name: String): Project

schema {
  query: Query
  1. You can also pass a GraphQLObject type to the Schema root fields:
import {GraphQLString as TString} from "graphql"

import Schema from "parasprite/Schema"
import Type from "parasprite/Type"

const greeter = (_, {name}) => `Hello, ${name}!`

const TQuery = Type("Query")
    name: "greet",
    type: TString,
    required: true,
    handler: greeter
      name: "name",
      type: TString

const schema = Schema().query(TQuery).end() // That's all!
  1. Parasprite allow to extend GraphQLObjectType by using an extends option in Type constructor:
import {GraphQLString as TString, GraphQLInt as TInt} from "graphql"

import Type from "parasprite/Type"

const TUser = Type("User")
    name: "login",
    type: TString,
    required: true
    name: "age",
    type: TInt,
    required: true

const TViewer = Type("Viewer", {extends: TUser})
    name: "email",
    type: TString,
    required: true,
    description: "Private email address."

On GraphQL language:

type User {
  login: String!
  age: Int!

type Viewer {
  login: String!
  age: Int!

  # Private email address.
  email: String!


  • Basic API with queries, mutations and object type;
  • Object type;
  • Input type;
  • Tests;
  • Interfaces (documentation in progress);
  • Extending for Type;
  • Union type;
  • Documentation (still in progress);
  • Complex working examples (as external repo)


Wanted to learn more about GraphQL or try another tools? Then visit awesome-graphql list! :)


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