A simple webservice that displays an editor for dpic- and dot-input and shows the SVG-output or error messages below it. Allows for sharing of links to the input.
You must first install
- dpic from https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~aplevich/dpic and
- graphviz from https://graphviz.org
before you can use playdot properly.
% go get github.com/oec/playdot
% cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/oec/playdot
% go build
To run the server on port 9999 without TLS:
% ./playdot -l :9999
2017/11/22 18:13:13 handler for /dot/ registered
2017/11/22 18:13:13 handler for /dpic/ registered
2017/11/22 18:13:13 listening non-tls on :9999
See ./playdot -h
for further options.