A small C++ library for working with CLR metadata.
This repository contains submodules.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/olegsych/simply.clr.metadata.git
From Visual Studio 2017:
- Open
- Select Build Solution from the Build menu
- To switch build between
platforms, select Configuration Manager from the Build menu and change the Active Solution Configuration
From Developer Command Prompt for VS2017:
msbuild simply.clr.metadata.sln /p:Platform=x86
msbuild simply.clr.metadata.sln /p:Platform=x64
From Visual Studio 2017:
- Select Run / All Tests from the Test menu
- To switch test execution between
platform, select Test Settings from the Test menu and change the Default Processor Architecture.
From Developer Command Prompt for VS2017:
vstest.console bin\debug\Win32\test.dll /Platform:x86
vstest.console bin\debug\x64\test.dll /Platform:x64 /inIsolation