npm install
npm start
Execute the following command to run the app in a development envirinment:
npm install
npm start
then open link in your browser:
1. npmrc nexus
2. npm run build
3. npm version patch (if you need to up camera version)
4. npm publish
1. npmrc npm-camera
2. npm run build
3. npm version patch (if you need to up camera version)
4. npm publish --access=public
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
isTableFlow | Boolean | ✓ | true photographing yourself, false taking pictures of a friend |
disableTableFlow | Function | ✓ | Callback invoked whenever the gyroscope is disabled on the phone, disables the ability to take a photo of yourself. (): void |
saveFront | Function | ✓ | Callback invoked whenever the front of the photo is saved. (file): void |
saveSide | Function | ✓ | Callback invoked whenever the side of the photo is saved. (file): void |
type | String | ✓ | The type of photo to be taken is either front or side |
hardValidation | Object | ✓ | Front and side photo validation object. Format { front: null, side: null } |
onClickDone | Function | Callback invoked whenever the user clicks on the button 'Done' (): void |
turnOffCamera | Function | ✓ | Callback invoked whenever the second photo is taken (you photograph yourself). Turns off the camera component when the audio track ends. (): void |
setDeviceCoordinates | Function | ✓ | Callback on deviceorientation event. ({ betaX: 23.33, gammaY: 33.54, alphaZ: 65.32 }): void |