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Oncodash Knowledge Base


OncodashKB is a data conversion tool that extracts data from Oncodash' tables and feed them in a graph database.

Under the hood, it uses Biocypher as the main tool for doing the ontology alignment and for supporting several graph database backends and Ontoweaver for instanciating a Biocypher adapter.


Source Code

The project uses Poetry. You can install OncodashKB using the commands below:

git clone
cd oncodashkb
poetry install

Poetry will create a virtual environment according to your configuration (either centrally or in the project folder). You can activate it by running poetry shell inside the project directory.

If you have a problem with the poetry install command, it may be that the 'poetry lock' command has not been ran after changing dependencies modification in '$ONCODASHKB_HOME/pyproject.toml'. Try running 'poetry lock' to fix the issue.


Theoretically, any graph database supported by Biocypher may be used.

As of now, OncodashKB targets using Neo4j, which have some particularities.

So far, it has been extensively tested with Neo4j 5+ but it should also works with Neo4j 4+.


Set up

As of now, OncodashKB targets using Neo4j, which have some particularities. Neo4j Graph Database Self-Managed version can be downloaded here. When using with this version, be sure to add the bin/ directory to PATH and PYTHONPATH, as well as the correct version of Java to JAVA_HOME.

Note that the community edition of Neo4j do not support multiple database, hence the need to configure the default database in $NEO4J_HOME/conf/neo4j.conf to be: initial.dbms.default_database=oncodash (which is commented out by default, hence the default database will be called neo4j). Note that the default database does not always need to be named oncodash, but should match the name of the database in $ONCODASHKB_HOME/config/biocypher_config.yaml.

Quick start guide

When using oncodashkb, you should generally follow the steps below.

1. Start virtual environment

poetry shell

2. Weave database

The command transforms the array-shape database into a graph database, thanks to OntoWeaver.

./ [-database] <CSV data file> 

Where [-databse] can be:

  • --cgi
  • --oncokb
  • --open_targets
  • --open_targets_drugs
  • --open_targets_diseases
  • --open_targets_evidences

Look below in the OncodashKB adapters section for more information on each of these options.

3. Import the database

Once executed, Biocypher prepares a shell script named in a timestamped sub-directory in '$ONCODASHKB_HOME/biocypher-out'. The complete path of this file is printed at the end of execution.

In case you use the environment variable 'NEO4J_HOME', don't forget to delete the 'bin/' prefixe in the import call.

version=$(~~bin/~~neo4j-admin --version | cut -d '.' -f 1)

Before importing the data, be sure that the server has not been started. Executing this script will connect to the Neo4j server and feed it with the extracted graph.

sh [$PATH_TO/]

4. Start the server

You can start the server by using the command below.

Neo4j 5+:

neo4j-admin server start

Neo4j 4:

neo4j start

This will give you a link to the neo4j browser where you can explore your graph. By default, the link to neo4j browser is 'localhost:7474/'.

5. Stop the server

You can stop the server by using the command below.

Neo4j 5+:

neo4j-admin server stop

Neo4j 4:

neo4j stop

6. Exit the poetry environment

[poetry] exit


The steps should always be in the order above.

OncodashKB Adapters

CGI adapter

Cancer Genome Interpreter is the cancer database that contains information about various genetic alterations that can be associated with the patient, gene details, samples, disease type, and transcript information.

To launch CGI adapter, use --cgi option and path to the CSV file with the data that you want to integrate.

Example of use:

./ –cgi /path_to_file/test_genomics_cgimutation.csv

OncoKB adapter

OncoKB is the cancer database that contains information about various genetic alterations that can be associated with the patient, gene details, samples, and disease type, as well as treatment options with FDA, OncoKB evidence levels, and related publications.

To launch OncoKB adapter, use --oncokb option and path to the CSV file with the data that you want to integrate.

Example of use:

./ –oncokb /path_to_file/test_genomics_oncokbannotation.csv

Gene Ontology adapter

Gene Ontology is one of the biggest biomedical databases. The described adapter helps to integrate the data about the molecular function of the gene product, as well as the biological process in which these genes are involved.

  • Molecular function: GO annotations that have relation type enabled or contributes_to.
  • Biological process: GO annotations that have relation type involved_in.

To integrate the data, three files are necessary:

  • --gene_ontology option for GO annotations in GAF format Download GO annotations
  • --gene_ontology_owl option for GO ontology in OWL format Download GO ontology
  • --gene_ontology_genes option for the list of genes for which we want to integrate the GO annotations (example in adapters/Hugo_Symbol_genes.conf file, by default = list of genes from OncoKB database).

Example of use:

./ --gene_ontology /path_to_file/goa_human.gaf --gene_ontology_owl /path_to_file/go.owl --gene_ontology_genes /path_to_file/Hugo_Symbol_genes.conf

If you want to integrate annotations with another type of relations, you can modify the adapters/ file by adding the next code in the class Gene_ontology (example for the involved_in edge type):

# create new columns that depends on edge type
        df['GO_involved_in'] = None
# cut df to include only edge type that we have chosen and annotations for genes from OncoKB
        df = df[((df['Qualifier'].isin(['enables', 'involved_in', 'contributes_to'])) &

Also, you need to add code in separate_edges_types method:

# function to copy GO_term to related column for future ontoweaver mapping based on Qualifier column (relation type)
   def separate_edges_types(row):
        if row['Qualifier'] == 'enables':
            row['GO_enables'] = row['GO_term']
        elif row['Qualifier'] == 'involved_in':
            row['GO_involved_in'] = row['GO_term']

Finally, you need to specify the node and edge types in the gene_ontology.yaml for GO_involved_in column.

Open Targets adapter

Open Targets is a public database that aims to systematically identify and prioritize drug targets for disease treatment. The described adapter helps to integrate the data about the targets, disease/phenotypes, drugs and evidences.

Current adapter works with the data in Parquet format.

To download the data, you can visit this page and separately download needed datasets or execute the next bash script:


mkdir OpenTargets

cd OpenTargets

rsync -rpltvz --delete .

rsync -rpltvz --delete .

rsync -rpltvz --delete .

rsync -rpltvz --delete .

As Open Targets database contains millions of the rows of the data, in order to integrate only necessary information, you need to precise the genes (Hugo Symbols and Ensembl IDs) in the configuration files:

  • Hugo symbols in the fileoncodashkb/adapters/Hugo_Symbol_genes.conf
  • Ensembl ID in the file oncodashkb/adapters/Ensembl_genes.conf

Example of use for targets, diseases, drugs and evidences (only from Chembl) integration:

 ./  --open_targets path_to_OpenTargets/OpenTargets/targets   --open_targets_drugs path_to_OpenTargets/OpenTargets/molecule  --open_targets_diseases path_to_OpenTargets/OpenTargets/diseases  --open_targets_evidences path_to_OpenTargets/OpenTargets/evidence/sourceId\=chembl  


When modifying any dependencies in '$ONCODASHKB_HOME/pyproject.toml', be sure to run 'poetry lock'.

Hints and tips about designing the ontology alignements:

  • Ontologies may be browsed with Protégé.
  • The biolink model has (a lot of) classes attached at the root Thing. These are actually decomissioned stuff, the actual classes are under entity.

Side steps

To check whether there is some data in your graph database, you can use the command-line client of Neo4j:

cypher-shell -d oncodash -u neo4j "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 5;"

and you should see 5 nodes.

To visualize [a part of] the graph, you can use neo4j-browser with a similar Cypher query.


  • Neo4j-browser needs a specific node version, you can install it with:
    pip install nodeenv
    nodeenv --node=16.10.0 env
    . env/bin/activate
    npm install yarn
    yarn install
    yarn start
  • Neo4j server disable connection across the network by default. To connect the browser to a server on another machine, be sure to edit the server's neo4j.conf with the address: server.bolt.listen_address=


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