This repo is list of my projects i made during my boot camp for MCSD training.
Cureently developing console market app.
currently only a simple bool value returns for succesful payment but currently developing a payment object that will be created by bank and send to market which market can use that payment object to confirm payment and create a bill
This is most basic application i made for this boot camp. It aims to apply basic skills in C# using visual studio. IT includes simple loops and basic logical conditionings.
Added a simgle ascii game called dungeon crawler. Currently it only allows movement inside.
It includes diffrent types of basic applications can be selected with user input and also a typo preventing system is being built for this application so it can midigate fat fingers like mine :D
Console app 1 is ended.
In recap it can make simple logical comparations and maths. It uses loops. It uses a hashmap for input controls and has a ascii game that can be controlled w a s d. It tries to gues your selection if you just write first few chars of given command. It also has a basic control mechnaism to prevent you fromm putting in string or chars where int is need. It was a basic starter work
Uses better architecture much more inline with solid principles
now your hero cant move out of dungeon in dungeon crawler ther is no escape
Aims of project :
have better dungeon crawler
have better typo preventtaion
have some waht data retantion with either local or azure data base
To better use OOP consepts a game exercise has been made. Basic npat game allows variable amount of users to play name animal place thing game. It requires passing around the pc between players, selects a random letter then asks everyone their word clears screen asks for next player. when game ends game distuributes point to duplicate answers, gives full points to unique ones and no points to wrong answers.
It is a shopping app but made without ui. It is all backend. uses diffrent concepts of backend even has a 3d secure mockup
Some cool thing about this
verification code sending ıt creates a text in project file when you tryto make purchase and returns hash of that calue to verification system so you need to reach your files and put in the code and its hash is tested. Since i dont have a smtp server it just uses a text file as message i have used text file instead of win form since i wnat it to work on linux too
bank acount protection So during creation banks have random number, during bank account creation those random nuymbers assign into accounts privately. when bankaccounts requested to update credit bank id must be given so only the bank that creates that accoıunt can update given account
banks also have a list that connect owner tckn to account
Bank protected process bank currently tests request of user with pin send over message (as a txt file cureently) then handles payment processes to make payment and retruns succes to market website
it is a siample c# applience to call python scprits or to perform any other subprocess over shell. It is usefull for linux applications
This is a project to connect .net and mssql, it is a simple console app that performs database CRUD