Lost item project is a project (that I implemented with my teammate Onur Can Avcı) shows lost items to Bogazici Members in same network. Found items are broadcasted via UDP with periodic synchronization packets. Synchronization happens in every 30 seconds.
- Hard to find lost items in BOUN Campuses
- So many item holders (dorms, securities etc.)
- Students should access where their lost item is held.
- Found items and delivered items should be recorded i.e. legal purposes.
To clone project, write the below script to terminal in your folder address you want to clone
git clone https://github.com/onurcanavci/lost-item-network-project.git
Use the package manager pip to install thread library with following command.
pip install _thread
To run in lost item holder role, write below script to in your terminal
python lost_item_holder.py
To run in the university student role, write below script to in your terminal
python user.py
First the program ask name of user
My student number:
Then it will ask the action as below
What do you want to do? (chat, see_onlines, lost_item_broadcast, lost_items, approve_item, approval_message , found_items , delete_notification, exit):
It will prints the online users like below;
Onur Can
Then if user enters the lost_item_broadcast command, user should have to enter the lost item details to console as belows;
When it was found? (dd/mm/yyyy
Who found it? (name surname)
Dogukan Turksoy
Where it was found?
Name/type of lost item.
Brief description of lost item.
brown leather bag
Then it broadcast the lost items to users. They will view the items as below;
Name: bag
Description: brown leather bag
Found at: Kpark
Found date: 21/12/2021
Now at: Kpark
ID of the item: 499631b0325df25a
User lost item can be search the items with search command as below;
Please enter your lost item name:
Found item name: [1:{name: bag....}]
Please enter your lost item description:
digital blue clock
Found item description: [1:{name: bag....}]
Please enter your lost place name if you remember:
Name: clock
Description: digital blue clock
Found at: Kpark
Found date: 21/12/2021
Now at: Kpark
ID of the item: ad47d8d0325df25a
If user find the lost item could not find the lost item, then the program will ask as below;
Do you want to notified? (yes/no)
Please enter your lost item name:
cell phone
Please enter your lost item description:
Iphone 11 Pro Max
Please enter your lost place name if you remember:
Then if the antother user add the new item like above, then the program will want to notify the user to show lost item. When the new item added to lost items, the program checks the notify items, is there any match. If there is a match from notify items, it will show the below message to user
Name: cell phone
Description: iphone 11 pro max
Found at: Library
Found date: 29/12/2021
Now at: North Campus Security
ID of the item: ad421dwfg311f25a