Releases: openSUSE/suse-xsl
Releases · openSUSE/suse-xsl
Stable release 2.94.8
What's Changed
- Convert variablelist into a HTML tab structure by @tomschr in #611
- Use correct stylesheet version in Makefile
- Fix typo in json-ld-seriesname (Products, plural)
Full Changelog: 2.94.7...2.94.8
Stable release 2.94.7
What's Changed
- Corrected handling of dateModified & datePublished by @tomschr in #624
- Fix some JSON-LD problems by @tomschr in #626
- DOCTEAM-1368: SBP series are taken from a parameter by @tomschr in #625
- DOCTEAM-1368: Take TRD series from a parameter by @tomschr in #627
- Fix series selection for SBP FO stylesheets by @tomschr in #628
Full Changelog: 2.94.6...2.94.7
Stable release 2.94.6
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.94.5...2.94.6
Stable release 2.94.5
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.94.4...2.94.5
Stable release 2.94.4
Stable release 2.94.3
What's Changed
Fix handling of external JSON-LD generation by @tomschr in #617
Additionally, this commit changes:- Add language into external JSON-LD filename
- Take into account rootid parameter for filename
- Enable JSON-LD structure for HTML by default
Full Changelog: 2.94.2...2.94.3
Stable release 2.94.1
Stable release 2.94.0
What's Changed
- Set version to 2.94.0 by @tomschr in #600
- Replaced the jQuery code with native JS by @GGayathri3 in #603
- JQuery to JS changes consumption by @GGayathri3 in #604
- Prepare structural tabs support presentation of variablelist by @tomschr in #606
- Implement external JSON-LD file by @tomschr in #605
Full Changelog: 2.93.0...2.94.0
Stable release 2.93.0
What's Changed
- Set version to 2.92.9 by @tomschr in #585
- Add U+201C quotation mark by @tomschr in #588
- Remove "compact" output in admons by @tomschr in #593
- 2 column layout correction for single html pages by @GGayathri3 in #594
- Fix #596: Correct runinhead.default.title.end.punct by @tomschr in #599
- Fix #597: Correct zh-cn/zh-tw for optional steps by @tomschr in #598
Full Changelog: 2.92.9...2.93.0