Rsyslog is an open-source software utility used on UNIX and Unix-like computer systems for multi-threaded implementation of message logging. It implements the basic syslog protocol, extends it with content-based filtering, rich filtering capabilities, flexible configuration options and adds features such as using TCP for transport. McAfee Data Exchange Layer can be a communication bus where the syslog message can be forwarded for further consume of information.
Rsyslog comes as the default logging program in many Unix systems:
Fedora, openSUSE, Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Solaris, FreeBSD, Gentoo, Arch Linux
- Python SDK Installation link
- Certificate Files Creation link
- ePO Certificate Authority (CA) Import link
- ePO Broker Certificates Export link
- tested on Debian 8.7 and ubuntu 16.04 LTS
$ sudo yum install rsyslog
or (dependig on the distro)
$ sudo apt-get install rsyslog
Edit the /etc/rsyslog.conf file and uncomment the lines relating to the protocol module used.
# for TCP use:
module(load="imtcp") # needs to be done just once
input(type="imtcp" port="514")
# for UDP use:
module(load="imudp") # needs to be done just once
input(type="imudp" port="514")
DXL configuration file for rsyslog
DXL messages pubblisher
private key for the client
certificate for the client
broker certificate
DXL configuration file for the broker connection
(ex. Debian)
service rsyslog restart
2017-04-09 06:30:13,067 dxlclient.client - INFO - Message received for topic /events/syslog
2017-04-09 06:30:13,068 __main__ - INFO - Event Subscriber - Event received:
Topic: /events/syslog
Payload: {"TYPE_PAYLOAD": "syslog", "PAYLOAD": " Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.", "SRC_HOST": "host01"}