This is a gradle plugin which creates parsers using SableCC, clearly the best parser-generator known to man. Why is it the best? Because it supports automatic CST-to-AST transformation, emits all the visitor patterns and analysis helpers you will ever need, and is LR, not LL(k).
In the beginning it was a simple fork from shevek/gradle-sablecc-plugin but then a complete rewrite happened based on the current ANTLR plugin from the gradle code.
To apply a default configuration which transforms src/main/sablecc into build/generated-sources/sablecc:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url uri('') }
dependencies {
classpath 'org.openflexo:gradle-sablecc-plugin:[1.2.0,)'
apply plugin: 'sablecc'
Notice for the moment it is not configurable... Help is welcome.