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Zipkin 1.28

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@codefromthecrypt codefromthecrypt released this 06 Jul 06:15
· 1782 commits to master since this release

Zipkin 1.28 bounds the in-memory storage component

Since the rewrite, we've always had a way to start zipkin without any storage service dependency. This is great for running examples, unit tests, or ad-hoc tests. It wasn't good for tests in more persistent environments like Kubernetes as eventually the memory would blow up and we'd recommend people to use something else. It also wasn't good for short tests that take a lot of traffic for the same reason.

Initially, we were hesitant to add features that might end up as people accidentally going prod with our in-memory storage. However, many people asked about this, usually after something blew-up in test: We realized bounding the memory provider was indeed worthwhile. Thanks to hard work and tuning by @joel-airspring, the default server now starts and won't likely blow up if you send a lot of traffic to it.

So, now you can play around and zipkin will just drop old traces to make room for new ones.

# run with self-tracing enabled, so each api hit is traces, and max-spans set lower than 500000 spans (default)
$ SELF_TRACING_ENABLED=true java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar
# in another window, do this for a while
$ while true; do curl -s localhost:9411/api/v1/services;done
# then, check to see the span count is less than or equal to what you set it to: <=500
$ curl -s localhost:9411/api/v1/traces?limit=1000000|jq '.[]|.[]|.id'|wc -l

Please note this option can likely break under certain types of load, so please don't consider the in-memory provider production-grade, or on a path to be the latest data grid! If you are interested in an in-memory storage option for production, you might consider upvoting Hazelcast, noting you want it to work embedded.