Online explorer for the FIDO Metadata Service v3
You can find the MDS change history here (older changes are here)
The home page lists all the authenticators registered in MDS.
To only display authenticators with some caracteristics - such as certification level, supported FIDO protocol, or key protection type - click on the column headers and select your criteria.
Click on an authenticator name to view the authenticator details.
If you want to reference a given authenticator through a hyperlink, you can directly open the detailed authenticator page using one of the following URL query parameters:
aaguid: View the authenticator with the given aaguid.
x5c: View the authenticator which issuer has the given attestation signature certificate. The certificate must be base64 and URL encoded.
If the query does not match any registered authenticator, an error will be displayed and you will be redirected to the home page.